1.13 The End Of Everything

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"We just did."

"So did we."

"Tearful reunions later. What you guys need to know right now is that Dad killed Luther. And he locked me out of the tunnel, and he rang that stupid bell!" Klaus whined.

Five walked angrily toward Dad, "What's your plan, old man?"

"We don't have time for this!" Dad announced, not having an ounce of empathy.

Sloane yelled, "You killed Luther!"

"I had no choice. You refused to come together as a team."

"All of your stupid myths and stories. There were never seven bells or Norsemen. You brought us here to die!" Ben yelled at Dad as well.

Dad had his book in his hand again and said, "That's not so. Somewhere in this hotel is the key to resetting the universe. We just need to find the sigil!"

"I don't care about your sigil! None of us do."

"We barely survived that guardian with his stupid helmet and his sickle!"

"The guard we killed had an axe."

"Ours had a sword."

I went to grab Five's hand for comfort but I realized he was no longer next to me. I looked up at the balcony and he was lost in his thoughts. Almost as if he was realizing something.

"Hey, I found the sigil! It's on the--" Five yelled out, but was cut off when the final guardian fell from the roof.

Before I could process anything, Five loudly grunted and fell to the ground. "Five!" I screamed.

What the hell? 

The guardian threw his weapon at Klaus and a bomb at the rest of us, causing us to fly back onto the floor. I tried to use my telekinesis to slow it down but it still managed to get a few hits on Diego.

The final guardian was beating our asses. Where the hell is Dad? It walked up to Sloane and she wasn't moving. "Sloane!" I called out for her. She used her ability to completely stop the final guardian. My sister whimpered in pain. 

Before I realized it, Luther came up behind the final guardian and threw it across the lobby like nothing. I ran upstairs to make sure Five was okay. 

What I didn't expect was for him to be missing an arm. "Oh, my--" My mouth practically hit the floor. Five looked up at me from his spot on the ground. "Can you help me tie this around my arm?" He said, gasping for air.

I quickly got on the floor with him and grabbed his tie. He got up to yell off the balcony, "The sigil is on the lobby floor! It's the stars!" I finished tying his arm up with his tie and looked over the balcony.

"Children, find a star on the sigil. Stand on it! Quickly!" Dad ordered all of us.

Five and I ran down the stairs and looked at each other. There was only one star left and Allison wasn't stepping on it. Five jumped onto the last star and a bright streak appeared through all of them. The final guardian was lifted into the air by the bright streak then everything just stopped. 

Everyone that was stepping on a star groaned in pain. Our surroundings changed into something I'd never seen before. It was almost like we were in a virtual reality of some sort. 

Those who were standing on a star continued to grunt in pain. They didn't look themselves though. I see Dad run over to a panel and start using it like he's done this many times before. "Dad! What's happening to them?" I walk over to him angrily.

"This wasn't a part of the deal. You're hurting them." Allison pointed to her siblings and mine. 

"Excuse me? What deal?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

Indomitable - Five Hargreeves -حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن