1.2 - Back to Work

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𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠...

A few minutes after the Umbrella Academy left, we continued with our daily routine. "Post-Game workout everyone. You already know the rules. Don't be late." Marcus told us for the millionth time. I guess that's what it is to be Number One. 

Being constantly annoying. 

I got dressed into my Sparrow Academy workout outfit and made my way to training. Marcus didn't let time waste because as soon as everyone got there, we got to work. 

We had some upbeat music in the background while we discussed the Umbrella Academy. I was at the end of the line of treadmills since I'm Number Eight. But being next to Jayme makes up for it. 

"Okay! Let's start. Big one is strong but slow, possibly stupid. Some sort of... simian hybrid." Marcus began analyzing the Umbrella people one by one. "Who took the little jumpy guy?" Sloane questioned us, shrugging her shoulders while keeping up with the treadmill.

"Ooo! Jayme and I handled him." I raised my hand and smirked at Jayme. "No big deal. We just gave him a spanking and sent him to school." Jayme brought up her hand to fist-bump mine.

Chris rambled on about the one with knives. 

"The skinny one is their weak link." Fei inputted her thoughts, looking more focused than usual.

"Unless hiding behind couches shouting, "Where's my daddy?" is his superpower." Ben dramatically acted out the one with the hat. He quickly turned off his treadmill and continued, "Enough post-gaming. They disrespected us, Marcus. We need to be out there finding these freaks and taking them out."

I wouldn't say disrespected. More like... embarrassed.

Marcus looked at Ben quickly and said, "Oh, you mean like this?" He brought up the TV remote and clicked on one of the camera footage that was playing. We all turned off our treadmills to get a little rest.

"Can someone explain how you got your asses handed to you in 30 seconds? Do you have any idea what would happen to our reputation if anyone had seen that?" Marcus was pissed off. He looked genuinely offended. 

He continued talking, "I mean, we haven't faced decent enemies for years. This could be good for us. Good for business. But only if we're smart with our next move." Marcus tried to look on the bright side.

Someone entered the room and cleared their throat. "You summoned, Number One?" Dad asked my brother. 

"Sit." Marcus waited for Dad to sit down before interrogating him about the Umbrella Academy. "You spent time with these people. What's your assessment?"

"Unimpressive. Neanderthals on a day pass. Cried too much and showered too little. The only thing they lacked more than grit was any regard for one another." Dad informed us truthfully. I laughed a little at his comment.

"No loyalty. We can use that." Ben started to strategize in his head. "Good. Give a full report to Christopher." Marcus nodded his head at Ben and looked back at Dad. Chris started talking to Dad as well. 

Dad stood up and continued to talk about the Umbrella people. "Still, I wouldn't underestimate the Umbrella Academy. Yes, their skills are as lacking as their hygiene, yet somehow, they saved the world in 1963. Had they not, none of you would be standing here now. Perhaps I misjudged them." He looked as if he had come to a realization. 

Indomitable - Five Hargreeves -حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن