1.4 - Not Part of the Plan

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𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠...

"You know what? No twine, no mother!"

I woke up to the sound of Five screaming and the feeling of the sharp turn the car made. I fell asleep on the car ride to wherever we were going. I sat at the back, while Klaus was driving and Five was the passenger. 

"Okay, what the actual hell guys!" I raised my voice at them both, a little grumpy because I just woke up. And not very nicely either. Five looked back at me a little annoyed, I could see it on his face. "Klaus decided not to tell us what we are really doing. Go on Klaus, tell her." Five crossed his arms.

Klaus looked guilty. "We are going to Pennsylvania to find my birth mother." He looks back, taking his eyes off the road to look at me.

"What? Dude why didn't you tell us, I wouldn't have come if I knew that."  I complained. What the actual hell? I should've just gotten the information out of them another way. This freaking sucks. "You sound just like Five, (Y/N). No wonder you two are married. Sheesh."

Wait what. Married...?

"What do you mean married?" I leaned forward and rested my elbow on the center console. Five smacked Klaus on the back of his head. They both didn't answer. I'm tired of not knowing anything. I'm finally getting answers, whether they like it or not. "So? Tell me."

Five looked back at me and sighed, running his hands through his hair. "In our timeline," Five looked away from me and stared out the window while Klaus continued to drive. "you and I were married." My eyes widened and my face felt hot.

"We went through the apocalypse together. I didn't think I would lose you a second time." Five continued and glanced back at me once again after reluctantly explaining to me how we were apparently married.

How did he answer everything but nothing at the same time? "What do you mean a second time?" I was perplexed, with my face still feeling hot. Klaus finally decided to say something but it wasn't to answer my question. "Alright everyone off, let's see what all the hype is about."

We pulled up right next to "The World's Biggest Ball of Twine" and the three of us got out of the car and walked up to it. My head is still spinning a bit with the whole marriage thing. I can see Five is spacing out too, even if he was the one who wanted to see this odd tourist attraction. "Yeah, you know. I don't know why but, I thought it would be a lot bigger." Klaus broke the silence once again.

"Seems pretty big to me."


"Why are we here again?" 

Five turned around to look at Klaus and me. "Here's the real question. How do you know your birth mother is in Pennsylvania?"

Andddd I'm out.

"Right, I'm waiting in the car," I announced before heading off back to my spot in the borrowed car. It didn't take them long before they followed. 

The vibes were good the rest of the drive and when we finally got to where Klaus said his birth mother was, Five and I waited for him in the car. Five moved to the backseat so I wouldn't be alone.

There was an uncomfortable silence, but I still wanted to know more about the conversation I had with Five earlier. "Five?" I broke the tension and shifted in my seat to face him. He answered before he turned his head to look at me in a way that caught me off guard.

"Yes, honey?"


My face turned red embarrassingly fast. No one has ever called me that before. Nor have I ever even been in a relationship before considering I haven't aged since 2003. Five didn't seem to realize what he said.

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