1.3 - World's Biggest Ball of Twine

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𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠...

The next morning continued to feel off. I went to get dressed for the day and searched downstairs to ask my siblings if they had seen Marcus last night. 

I ended up seeing Ben and Fei first. They were walking downstairs, chatting about something I couldn't hear. "Ben! Fei! Did you guys see Marcus come back home last night?" 

They just looked at each other before Ben answered first. "He was kidnapped. We know who did it." He looked upset. I already knew what he was planning.


"The Umbrella Academy took our Number One, so we are taking theirs. Get ready to ambush him in an hour. He goes on morning runs by himself." Fei informed me about their plan to take Luther.

I thought the Umbrella people were cool, but not anymore. Why did they have to take Marcus? It's only fair that we take Luther.

But an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

Most of the Sparrow Academy was there to take Luther. Alphonso and Jayme decided to stay home since we didn't need everyone. I used my telekinesis to check where Luther was. Another awesome perk of my ability.

"He's heading this way. Fei, send your crows." I notified Fei and the rest. Ben said to bring Chris too, just in case Luther gave us a hard time.

Yeah right. As long as we have Sloane, he'll come willingly.

Luther ran happily towards us, not aware of his surroundings. Until one of Fei's crows caught his attention. He slowly stopped running and looked around at the other crows. "Oh shit." I heard him say from afar, simultaneously running back to the direction he came from.

"Chris! Go!" Ben ordered him to catch Luther. But Luther had other plans when he ran into a pole light. 

I swear he has cardboard for a brain.

I started laughing uncontrollably at Luther. That made my year. Sloane looked at me, raising her eyebrows and giving me that "Stop laughing at him" look. I had to clench my stomach because it hurt from laughing so much. 

We walked toward Luther on the ground. Sloane picked him up with her abilities. "Woah!" He reacted to himself being upside down. "Hello there, stranger." Sloane smiled at him as he looked confusingly at all 5 of us. 

"Oh! Hey." Luther waved at us. 

Ben wasted no time kicking him in the face to knock him out. Luther soon fell to the floor unconscious. "Eight, this time you carry Luther to the house," Fei decided for me to do it instead of Sloane.

"You got it, Sis." I gave her a thumbs-up while I picked the big guy up with my telekinesis and began walking home.

While we waited for Luther to wake up, we started eating breakfast. I decided on PB&J toast, considering I don't usually get hungry in the mornings. 

It wasn't until 30 minutes later Luther finally woke up and came rushing out with a mop in his hand. 

"Ah, there he is."

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