Bonus (acceptance)

57 3 13

Everything was falling into place.

Ash couldn't help but watch his sugar dance so elegantly. Ryan was practicing his moves for Ash's upcoming song. They still didn't reveal their relationship to the fans but given that their moments are always captured on camera, a lot of fans have started shipping them.

Not knowing that the ship sailed long back.

The music stopped as Ryan plops on the ground, exhausted. Ash immediately goes to him with a bottle of water and helps him sit and drink it.

"That's enough for today baby, you've been working so hard". He places a kiss on his temple, making Ryan blush.

"But I still feel that there's some more adjustments I need to make. Plus I love dancing to your songs, it makes me feel more alive".

Now it was Ash's turn to blush. Yeah he's a six foot three inch alpha looking man but he turns all soft mode when Ryan merely holds his hand.

He nuzzles his face into Ryan's neck, "god you know how whipped I'm for you. You do this on purpose don't you?" He asks, making Ryan chuckle.

"I'd like to check on that from time to time". They stand up as Ryan stretches his tired limbs to relieve some of hid cramps.

"Wanna come to my studio sugar? I have some tracks and I want your opinion on them". He suggests as Ryan's eyes shine with excitement. He's relatively never been to Ash's studio given that the two were extremely busy with their own schedules.

He nods his head with eagernesses making Ash smile brightly. They start walking together and reach Ash's studio.

It was exactly like his taste. Instruments, microphone, a huge monitor with other equipments used to produce music. The wallpaper of the monitor had Ash's logo.

"Wow! It's s-so....s-so...." Ryan stuttered and paused. Ash sighed and simply brought him to his chest.

"Easy. Take it easy. Don't raise your voice too much". He comforts him and pats his now blonde hair. Ryan shakily sighs. The effects of the therapy was still lingering onto him, making him stop mid sentences. Though it's gotten better, it still catches up to him.

"When will I-I ever speak properly...." He quietly asks. Ryan hasn't raised his voice since that unfortunate phase because it causes him immense pain in his throat. He can only speak fluently when he's whispering. Ever since they reunited, he has always whispered.

"You will sugar. One day you will. I'll always be by your side". Ash gently reminds him as he runs his hand up and down the blond's back, making him sigh.

"Now come on, let me show you what I've been preparing". He smiles and brings out an extra chair for Ryan to sit. They sit together and Ash goes on to show his files and all the demos he has recorded.

Ryan is amazed at how skilled Ash is. Even the demos sound so beautiful and he can't help but shed a tear at Ash's soothing voice.

Ash's heart melted at the sight of Ryan being emotional and quickly wipes his lone tear. "Don't cry beautiful, even your dance makes me shed tears at times".

"But this is has no right to make you feel this close to home". He quietly says.

"My home is right beside me". Ash smiles, making Ryan turn fifty shades of pink on his cheeks. He shyly covers his face with his sweater paws.

"Awww, come here little sugar". Ash signals him to sit on his lap and with his face still covered, he takes his seat, immediately feeling strong arms wrap around him.

"I love you". Ryan whispers.

"I love you more sugar".


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