"Here," he said as he opened the door. "This should help you feel better."

"What is it?"

"Our bath house."

"Yours? Oh . . ." His clan. Family. Whatever. It was for the Yakuza. Visible tattoos were not allowed in the baths I thought about visiting. "What, for my cramps? They're not that bad."

"I don't believe you, but even if that is true, I am sore from practice. Come relax with me."

Inside, he locked the door behind us. Steam rose from the three small pools. The dim, orange glow of the incandescent sconces mixed with the moonlight shining through the high windows, making a dreamy, calming ambiance. It would have given sexy vibes if I wasn't overly aware of the fact the pools were usually filled with men.

He took my bag and hung it on a hook. "Get naked."

"You really want me to get in?" I asked him.


A list of excuses lined up in my mind. "I'm still bleeding."

"So? There are no sharks here."

I rolled my eyes. "This steam is going to kill my hair. You're gonna have me walking out of here looking like Diana Ross."

"I like when your hair is big," he said. I looked over and found Ryuzo's shirt already off and his pants soon to follow. The lighting made the red in his tattoos and his tan skin glow. "You never wear it that way," he continued, despite my gawking. "The day you arrived and only one day since."

"You remember?"

He chuckled without answering. A yes. Of course he did. When his pants came off, I forgot what we were talking about.

He walked past me, casually pulling his hair up into a bun as if he didn't look like walking se as he did so. I stared in awe at the graceful shape of his body. The smooth lines from his broad shoulders down his narrow hips and strong ass and legs. Tight and muscular, his swagger looked like the stalk of a panther while he waded into the tub.

He looked over his shoulder at me. "Mina," he scolded me while distractingly holding his gifts in his hand. "Take your clothes off and come here. I won't ask you again."


I did as he wanted, neatly folding my clothes and pulling my hair into a pile on top of my head. With nothing but the necklace he gave me, I confidently walked to the pool, staring him in the eye as he smirked.

The water was hot as hell. My skin screamed with the sudden contrast to the cold air. I sat on my knees in front of him, the waterline hitting right below my shoulders.

"Does it feel nice?" he asked teasingly.

"I was fine before."

He pulled me closer, making me sit beside him. His strong arm wrapped around my waist, his other hand tilted my head so his mouth could find my neck. His tongue slowly licked against my sensitive skin between kisses, traveling from my throat to that little spot behind my ear. I relaxed in his arms, the water no longer the only thing making me warm.

"Does this feel nice?" he asked between gentle sucks.

My giggle covered my moan. "You said this would be good for me, but you're making me want to do bad things instead."

His teeth pinned the corner of his smiling lips. "I got something for us."


"A surprise, Mina-chan. Something fun. I will show you when you are done with your week." He pulled me closer and gave me a proper kiss.

Dirty, Dirty Liars [Mature/Editing]Where stories live. Discover now