"Maybe we should talk with her about it" Scarlett exclaimed after some time as she comfortably stayed in Chris's warm and loving embrace to which Chris nodded his head in agreement. He's hurt too hearing how much pain their daughter is in.


Later that evening,

Axel was in the room with Alexa after they finished their online class for the day.

Scarlett was currently spending one on one time with Rose, as per Alexa's request as she didn't want her mother to be locked with her all the time with the sickness and ask her to go relax with Rose, which she is currently in Rose's room, cuddling while reading.

That was as far as Alexa can get her mother to do.

"We need to plan something for Mama. A nice day out. A date night with Daddy to be precise" Alexa stated as she laying on her bed, facing the ceiling

Axel was in the same position

"Mama can't bare the mind of leaving us for more than 30 minutes, Lexie"

"Mama's face isn't as happy as she used to be, Pupu" Alexa said with a quiet mumble "I know why, I get it why but she's been focusing too much on us. We can ask for Lizzie to take care of us while Mama and Daddy go out. A night won't hurt"

Axel hummed in thought as he thought about it all over, he wants to do it for their mother but he also knows how stubborn their Mama can get when she won't do it. Basically Alexa but the adult version.

"And then we can plan something to do together. The five of us. I really enjoy the time when we spend together just the 5 of us" Alexa said with sad smile

Axel, mirroring the smile back, biting the inside of his cheeks as he knows Alexa is the type of person who enjoys intimate time with her loved ones.

But back to reality, Alexa wants to do it for as much as she can so they'll have memories of her when she's gone. Also on the selfish part of her, she could finally get what she wants. Time with her family.

It's a win win for both sides right?

Axel blinked his eyes quickly and cleared his throat as he feel the tears about to flowing down

"Great idea bebear, I'm gonna go get water, you want to refill your water bottle?" He said quickly as he got up from her bed. He just wants to get away before his breakdown in front of Alexa

No matter what, it's still hard for him to accept the harsh cruel reality that is happening. Alexa is his twin sister, she is his person, his best friend ever since.

"Pupu..." Alexa said with a little somber as she noticed the expression of him. She knows him all too well to be hiding anything from her

"I'll grab some snacks too" Axel said before he leave the room and went downstairs as he couldn't holding back of his tears

He didn't want to break down in front of her. He didn't want her to witness that in such a time as he didn't want to let his twin sister feel guilty.

As Axel got downstairs, he could feel his breath shortened, he stumbled to the kitchen, to go outside to the backyard to take fresh air

Coincidentally and gratefully

Mama was there

She came to start making dinner since Rose was currently facetime with her father

"Buddy?" Scarlett called out for him in concern "Honey" She exclaimed more loud for Axel to hear as she saw the haze in Axel's eyes with his chest started to heaving as the boy went to the sliding down that connected the kitchen and backyard

"Need some air" Axel replied in stuttering as he opened the sliding door in stumble

Scarlett went to the boy's side immediately and cupped his cheeks softly "Okay take a deep breath for me buddy, like this" Scarlett said firmly as she make take a deep breath, exaggerating it for him to follow

Axel shaking his head as panic starts bubbling in his chest as he couldn't mimic it

Scarlett blows air on his face and keeps exaggerating her breathing. It took Axel a several minutes of hard breathing moment to finally reciprocating the breathing as Mama did

And Scarlett continue doing so until she deemed her son calm down totally

And as the slight panic attack of Axel faded, he let out a broken sob that startled the mother. Axel hugged Mama in a tight hug as if his life depended on it. Scarlett, being worry and concern and as always the good mother she is, she hugged him back in more comforting way to soothe the boy

"Can't lose her Mom, please" He croaked out his voice, brokenly as he fisted his mother's shirt

And at that moment, Scarlett knew what caused the panic attack. Axel is having another breakdown. Poor boy to be having breakdowns all over because he couldn't bear losing his twin sister.

"I know buddy, I'm so sorry" Was all Scarlett could say as she bit her lips from showing to her son that she's crying over it as well. She can't cry in front of the boy as she knows how observant her kids are. They could see she's in pain but she couldn't give the burden of her crying in front of her kids. That's not really fair.

"Life hasn't always been fair to me. To us. Why?"

And there it was, a question that Scarlett felt helpless. She didn't know how to answer.

"I wish I had the answer for it honey, but I do know that me and your Dad are trying our best, our hardest to give the life you and Lexie deserved. We're gonna make our time the best of it, we'll keep our promise. I swear on my life for it" Scarlett replied as she run a soothing hand on his back

Axel just nodded his head in acceptance as he sniffles slightly

"And what causes this baby?" Scarlett asked softly and gently as she didn't want another panic attack coming in and just simply concern to know what happened with him and Alexa

So, Axel tells Mama what Alexa wants to do, except for the plan that they both plan for their Mama and Daddy to go on a date.

Scarlett has to hold back her tears really hard in front of Axel. It's bittersweet. Alexa's love language is spending time with her loved ones but then also to create nice memories with them all. 


Hope you guys enjoy reading and if there's anything you guys wanna see, do lmk, I'm open to any suggestion. 

Have a nice day/ night wherever you are. Take care always and happy holiday lovelies <3 

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