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Today I saw a sign with the words seek peace written on the side.
On it were stones, in a balanced arrangement.
Meant to pay an homage to the journey of inner balance.

It would have been a beautiful message for sure, had the stones not been glued to the frame when I went to inspect it.

You see, there is no way in which you can force peace of mind.
It is not a rock, or a sign, or glue.
It is an endless battle.
Going into recession, only to surge again.

I cannot force myself to be happy, anymore than I can believably fake it.
And maybe that says something.
Maybe what the sign is trying to tell me is that by choking it forcefully, I can get a grip on my mind and force it to bend to my will.
I can be the glue, the sign, and the stone.
All at once.
I can seek peace, and force it to find me.

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