"Wait, really?" he said in surprise.

His words were ignored as she quickly grabbed his shirt and pulled him to her. She kissed him and then he pushed her against the hood of the car. She could feel him smirk against her lips before he teased, "So this seduces you?"

     "Shut up," she blushed and kissed him to make him actually shut up. It worked wonderfully and they ended up making out with her sitting on the hood of her car. His hands roamed everywhere over her clothes and it was more than she had ever done with him.


The next day she came to Fangtasia later in the night as she had been in Bon Temps. She didn't find Eric on his throne so she went to his office. She stopped in the hallway though once she heard the voices talking inside.

"Did you really tell your little pet that you'd make her a vampire?" Pam asked. "Her? Really, Eric?"

"It sounds like it bothers you."

"She would not make a good vampire," Pam argued. "She has morals for one."

"I tell her what I need to tell her," Eric said blankly.

"So you lied?"

Eric stayed silent for a moment, "What do you think?"

Eira shook her head as tears built in her eyes. She'd heard enough and she quickly turned around before leaving. She got in her car and drove away.

She still refused to go home so she drove to some hotel and stayed there for the night. As soon as she got into her room, she immediately went to take a shower. Her skin crawled with the ghost of his hands she'd let touch her and she wanted the feeling gone. Once in the shower, her tears mixed with the water and the presence of tears still lingered once she got into bed.

Eric sent her a series of texts asking where she was. Then it delved into calls. She ignored each one and wanted to set the phone on fire. She then started to think how Eric would definitely come and find his pet if she didn't answer so she sent him one single text to satisfy him. Fell asleep. Sorry. Staying with Sookie. He didn't bother her after that but it didn't matter as he was still on her mind as she cried.

She used to think that meeting Eric was some miracle. Now she wished that she never did. She felt stupid for ever thinking of him in that light. She felt stupid for loving someone that only thought of her as a pet, a prize. Eric Northman was no miracle in her life; he was her calamity.


           After a night filled with crying, she pulled herself together as best as she could. Even though her chest ached so fiercely and she looked awful with red-rimmed eyes and tear stains on her cheeks, she didn't really care. Eric could see the disaster he created.

          It was daylight and she headed to Fangtasia. She decided that instead of trying to ignore him, she'd confront him. She'd remove him from her life like ripping off a band-aid. It would hurt terribly but she needed to get it over with.

         When she walked in, no one was around except Ginger. Eira formed a small, barely there smile as she sat at the bar, "Hey, Ginger."

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