chapter thirteen

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       A week had passed and the serial killer had finally been caught in Bon Temps. It had been René. He had attacked Sookie and she had killed him in self defense.

        She couldn't quite believe the killer had been so close. Arlene kept apologizing over and over because she felt partially to blame as she felt like she should've known but Eira assured her it wasn't her fault. But Eira was just glad that it was over.

        Bon Temps was now safe for her to be in alone without Eric. But she still didn't go back home. She wasn't ready to step foot in the house that felt so empty without her mother.

         So, instead she would occasionally visit Merlotte's during the day (and she noticed Lafayette was nowhere to be found). But mostly she would come to Bon Temps to visit the grave where her mother was buried. She liked to just sit at her grave and say all the things she would've told her in life.

It was what she was currently doing as she sat on the ground with her legs folded beneath her when she felt a presence behind her. She looked to see her blond Viking vampire with his hands in his pockets and she let out a small smile, "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see what you did during the day," he said as his eyes assessed the situation, how she was in a cemetery talking to a grave, in confusion. "Should I be worried?"

"No," she shook her head. "I just feel closest to her here. I feel like she can hear me. So I like to tell her all things I would've told her if she were now."

Eric had crouched down behind her. She was wearing a tank top so the skin of her arms and shoulders were bare. He lifted one hand and ran his fingers ran up and down her right upper arm as he pressed a kiss to her shoulder. Goosebumps formed on her skin and her heart raced from the nearness of him before she felt him utter next to her ear, "Like what?"

She turned her head to look at him and found his face so close to hers. His blue eyes were so brilliant in the sunlight; she never wanted to look away from them.

"Anything," she answered before smiling. "But mostly about you."

"Ooh, really?" he smirked. "And what do you say about me?"

"I'm not telling you. It was private," she blushed before she pushed him playfully as she got up. "Come on. We should leave before you try to seduce me at my mother's grave."

"Seduce you?" he questioned as he followed after her through the cemetery. Her hair was long and flowing behind her as they walked; it shined in the light and he couldn't but reach out and twirl the ends of her hair as they walked. "I didn't even kiss you."

"You touched me," she argued.


"That still counts," she stated as they exited the cemetery and reached her car.

He chuckled, "Is that all it takes?"

"No," she stopped at her car and turned around to him with a pout as she crossed her arms. "I don't know. Maybe."

"Can I find out?" he stared at her intensely with suggestive eyes and a little grin. He almost resembled a pleading puppy and she found him hard to resist. He looked so beautiful in the daylight. His eyes were enchanting and she found herself nodding slowly.

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