Chapter 10

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" Come inside everyone is here." Darry says.

" Ok I guess." I say and walk up the stairs.

Darry holds the door open for me. As I walk in I see everything has really stayed the same since I left.

I walk into the living room and notice literally everyone is here. Fuck this. I turn to walk back out of the room.

" Astrid? Is that you?" I hear a sad voice say.

" Ya I'm here." I say and turn around and see Soda.

He starts crying and comes over and hugs me tight. I hug him back.

" I miss you so much." Soda says.

" I miss you too." I say.

Suddenly, there was a loud thud.

" Did someone say Astrid ?" A voice says.

" Hey Two." I say. His eyes widen.

" Your really here? " I say.

" Ya I'm here." I say. He pushes Soda away and hugs me. I smile a little at his antics. Suddenly everyone came into a hug. I smile.

But I notice someone is missing.

" Why are you back?" Pony says. Everyone releases me from the hug and stands off to the side.

" I wanted to come back home.." I say. I bite my lip. He rolls his eyes.

" Whatever Astrid. Just fucking leave." He says.

" Pony enough." Darry says.

" Nah it's fine. I'm going now." I say as I pick up my bags and walk out of the house.

As I walk out of the house I feel tears run down my face. I guess I deserve that. I mean he never liked me anyways. Never really loved me in the first place.

Since it's still light outside I go to this rental place to get an house. The guy was weird. When he took me to look at it, it's in horrible condition but I guess it will do since it's very cheap and I need a place to live. He gave me the keys and left.

^ the house

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

^ the house

I curl up in a ball, hugging my legs to my chest and just cry. I should've seen it coming. Pony has never accepted me anyways. It will never change.

After a while I decided to get up and take a shower. I look in the mirror and I see my tattoos and smile slightly.

I already miss them, but I miss my family more.

A\N: next chapters will be very trigging. Comment what you think

Astrid Curtis: The Curtis Sister Story book 2 Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat