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" here you go Jules " Mk says as she hands Juliana her and Lizzie's big seized salt popcorn , JJ took it from her thanking her as she ran to give it to Lizzie while Mk took hers and Ashley's popcorn before paying and following JJ .

" thank you darling " Lizzie mumbled as she placed a kiss on her forehead , wrapping her arms around Jules as they walked inside to their seats , Julia is sitting between Lizzie and Ashley while Mk was next to her twin .


" hey zeze? I need the toilet " Juliana whispered leaning over to Lizzie , Lizzie nodded " alrighty let's go-" " no , no you can stay and watch the movie , I can go alone " Jules interrupted her making Lizzie shake her head " nope , I will go with you , I can wait outside the bathroom.I don't want you to go alone sweetheart " Lizzie replied making JJ nod her head .

Lizzie whispered to her sisters about going to the bathroom before walking out with Juliana , holding hands as JJ tried to walk quickly so they wouldn't miss much of the movie , making Lizzie chuckle as Julia is basically running while dragging Lizzie with her .

" slow down baby " giggled Lizzie as she was now running while holding JJ's hand , Juliana chuckled shaking her head before they arrived , Lizzie went inside with JJ to the stall , to check for any creeps before kissing Julia's forehead telling her that she'll wait outside for her .

After Jules finished her business , flushing the toilet and walking out to wash her hands " Juliana? " she heard , as soon as she realized who that voice belonged to , she snapped her head to look at her sister . Her heart pounded like a wild stallion , fear and nerves intertwining with each beat (look at me using big words lmao )

" y-yes? " she whispered , she felt the need to slap her sister as she's the reason why her aunt is now gone , but at the same time she felt that weird feeling , like she just wanted to hug her .Hug her annoying big sister? It kind of sounds wrong to seek comfort from her , is it even comfort? She kinda just misses her .

" what are you doing here Jules? " Chloe asked as she hesitantly took a couple of steps closer to her younger sister , JJ shrugged her shoulders biting her lips nervously " I'm here to watch a movie? " like it wasn't obvious . Chloe chuckled nodding her head as she looked away , before taking more steps closer towards JJ , now Juliana is feeling weird , why doesn't she wanna walk away from her older sister?

Chloe gave Jules a little smile , brushing her hands softly against her sister's hair " you got a bit taller " no shit Sherlock , JJ thought before she was interrupted by Chloe " who brought you here? You alone? " offf more questions

" I'm here with my foster mom " Juliana replied making Chloe raise her eyebrows , nodding her head " uhm , I gotta get going " JJ said as she gave her sister a forced smile , with Chloe nodding her head looking at Jules with a hint of wistfulness tugged at the corner of Chloe's smile .

" oh yeah , okay and um you can always text me if you need anything yeah? " that confused the 10 year old, didn't her sister hate her a few months ago? What's happening , JJ shook her head before mumbling " I'm really sorry but I need to go " as she walked out straightly to hug Lizzie .

Lizzie hugged her back without hesitation but can't help but feel confused " you okay lovely? " mumbled Lizzie kissing the top of the girl's head , JJ nodded still hugging her " mhm , I just......wanna continue watching the movie " Julia replied making Lizzie nod her head , looking down at JJ to check if she's really okay . Jules gave her a smile before breaking the hug , holding her hand . Lizzie smiled back before they went back to their seats .

" how much did we miss? " Lizzie asked leaning over to Ashly " hm , not much I'll tell you guys later "

After the movie they were going to have a sleepover at Lizzie's which made JJ jumping up and down " I'm so excited " says Jules running inside the store with Lizzie and the twins running next her giggling , before they stopped running to catch their breath " I've never ran like that to make a kid excited " Mk says grinning taking breaths while Lizzie and Ashley laughed at that .

" okay so me and JJ will go buy some face masks , matching pjs for us all and some new bored games . While you guys will go buy some ice cream , oh and pizza sauce , chocolate and candy . I forgot some chips too-" " wait we're making pizza? " Ashley asked , as she knew it won't be a good idea , she'll probably burn them

Lizzie nodded making Jules cheer " don't worry it won't get burned like last time " giggled Lizzie as Ashley raised an eyebrow making Mk slap her shoulder playfully " come on , Lizard will take care of it , now let's go "

After taking four masks , and cute matching pjs with two new bored games , Lizzie and JJ walked to the cashier to meet Mk and Ashley already there paying for the stuff .

Half an hour later they were home , Lizzie telling her sisters to get comfortable as she went with Julia to help her take a bath , filling the bathtub with water and bubbles as that what JJ likes . Before she turned off the warm running water calling Jules to come " ooo bubbles " said Julia before taking her clothes off with Lizzie's help " so you just want me to wash your hair like usual , or you want me to wash your body too sweet girl? " asked Lizzie as she helped JJ inside " hm yes , both please " replied Juliana , getting a kiss on her cheek as a response.

Lizzie massaged Julia's hair with shampoo , making the 10 year old relax into her touch . It felt so soothing , the sensation of Lizzie's fingertips moving in circular motion, was making Jules almost fall asleep closing her eyes .

" love bug don't fall asleep , it's still a bit early " chuckled Lizzie kissing JJ's temple , Julia sighed softly before opening her eyes again " there's my pretty girl " mumbled Lizzie before she continued on washing Juliana's hair .

" HEY LIZZIE? " shouted Mk from outside the bathroom " yeah?! " Lizzie shouted back making JJ wince at the loud noise " oops sorry honey , just wait a second sweets " before she stood up to get out for her older sister " Ashley accidentally spilled her wine on your couch , and we don't know where your cleaning supplies are " said Mk smiling as Lizzie shook her head , placing her hands on her hips trying to hide the smile .

" first of all , why is Ash drinking when the kid is not asleep yet? Also they're under the sink , please try to make it better instead of making it worse Mk " replied Lizzie , as Mk in response gave her a thumbs up before going down while Lizzie went back to the bathroom .

After JJ's bath Lizzie had Julia sitting on her lap , as she dried her hair with the hair dryer . Jules had her hands over her ears to block the loud noise " all done lovely " said Lizzie kissing Juliana's hair before picking her up and leaving to go downstairs , with JJ on her hip clutching on her like a koala.

" there they are! " shouted Ashley , making Mk turn to look at them smiling " it's pizza time! " shouted Julia as Lizzie placed her down making her run to the kitchen , to Mk and Ashley while Lizzie followed behind grinning .

It'll be too long if I continued it ALSO dm me if you have any ideas or suggestions for the story!!
Have a good night lovelies

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