Yours faithfully

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Dear admissions office of Darlene,

My name is Frank, and I am writing to express my sincere interest in the position of being your personal person. I am confident that my unique set of qualities and experiences make me the perfect candidate to accompany you on the journey of life. With a strong background, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively. I know with a beauty like yours, you're always as fit as a fiddle. Me? No I'm not. Why do you think I'm writing this letter to you? I lost breath the last time I looked at your pictures so I am going to write this letter until I could find my heart to beat again. I decided to turn the pages of my life to the part where you and I were together. I have been waiting to express every inch of how I feel to you but every time I write it as a poetry, you think it is for some fame because I never tagged your name to it, so I decided to write you a letter instead. Before I begin with everything, I just want you to know that I love you, even when I say I hate you. We are in a generation of metaphor where I use the sunshine to describe your smile and stars to your eyes. You are the melody that vibrates within the chambers of my heart, a timeless tune that lingers in the air, echoing the sweetest notes of affection. Your smile is the gentle breeze that caresses my soul, a soft whisper that dances through the corridors of my being, leaving a trail of warmth. Your presence is the blooming rose, each petal roll up with the delicate touch of your essence. Your laughter is the bubbling stream that wanders through the landscape of my days, bringing life and joy to every corner of my existence. Like a celestial design, your eyes are the stars that illuminate the night sky of my world, guiding me through the darkness with their beaming glow. Your touch is the ink on the parchment of my life, writing tales of passion with every gentle stroke. In the textile of my affections, you are the vibrant thread, weaving a masterpiece of love. Your presence is the sunrise, painting the background of my heart with hues of hope and promise, heralding a new day filled with the magic of your love. In the grand theater of emotions, you are the leading lady, captivating my heart with a performance that unfolds like a mesmerizing play. Your love is the script, filled with dialogues of warmth and scenes of shared dreams, creating a story that unfolds with each passing moment. But I am but just an audience there, maybe just for now. They tell me I have to state my qualities in an application so I will do that. I hold a doctor's degree in the art of listening. I heard that is the number one quality you girls need from a man. You could tell me all your sad and happy moments and I promise, I will always be there for you. The second quality is my ability to please you with the words. You know obviously that I am poet known as the lover boy but this is my first time telling someone how I feel and these words have been kept deep down within the hideouts of my heart but you, your smile and your soothing voice called out for them and they came rushing to you. I guess I was not the owner of my heart after all. I didn't choose to love you. If I did, I wouldn't have known the right way to do so. I am a very shy type and the connection wouldn't have felt very mutual. They tell us love is blind, so how did I see your beauty then. If any part of my body could scream, I swear you would have heard my heart do it first. Thirdly, I can sing too. You can use my soothing voice as your lullaby. Trust me, I can sing almost all the love songs you have heard before, but wait until you hear me singing my poems. I am what you call an unsuccessful musician. Most of my poems are my attempted songs. Another quality or talent of mine is my love for art, drawings. I always hide my sketch pad from you not because my arts are not nice but because they are all about you and I didn't know if I could answer the questions that would come after. There's no doubt that I am funny. I mean, I would have cracked a joke but I don't want to take my love for you as a joke. I am also a smart person too. I mean, I still rhyme girl with world because I still feel you are my world. Should we begin with the biology? Where you guide butterflies into my belly, or the connection people see between us, chemistry, they call it. It's probably how you rise my feelings to the highest exponent. I can't seem to figure out the force that pulls me closer to you. Let's end the qualities here. You'll get to know more soon. I don't have any experience but trust me when I tell you that I'm one of the best love therapist around you. I talk like I've been in a relationship before. Now, I know it might seem a bit quirky, expressing all these feelings in a letter, but words seem to be the only means vast enough to paint the masterpiece of my emotions for you. I've spent countless nights contemplating whether to tell you or not, but here we are. You might be wondering why I'm applying to be your own. Well, the truth is, I've come to realize that life is a journey, and sharing it with someone special makes it all worthwhile. I want to be there for you, not just in the good times, but in every moment life throws our way. I understand if you're surprised, or even skeptical, about the sincerity of my words. Love has a way of catching us off guard, and I assure you, this is as unexpected for me as it might be for you. But isn't that the beauty of it? The unpredictability, the way it sweeps us off our feet when we least expect it. I've listed my qualities, not as a boast, but as an invitation. An invitation for you to explore the depths of my heart and see the genuine affection that resides within. I may not have experience, but love, my dear, is not something that can be measured by years spent in relationships. It's about understanding, caring, and being there for someone in ways that go beyond the ordinary. I've been holding back, afraid that my words might be misinterpreted or that I would risk our friendship. But as the saying goes, 'It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.' I would rather take the chance of expressing my feelings than live in regret of never letting you know. As I write down these words, I feel a mix of nervousness and excitement, unsure of how you'll receive my heartfelt confession. I've laid my emotions bare, like an open book ready to be read, hoping that you'll see the sincerity in my words. I remember the first time met you, 'I heard you sing', you said as I smiled. 'I heard you dance' I replied. The way our conversations flowed effortlessly, creating a connection that I couldn't ignore. It was as if the universe conspired to bring us together, and ever since that day. I can't lie, mine wasn't love at first sight. I loved you more the more I got to know you. I understand that this might be unexpected, and I don't want to jeopardize the beautiful friendship we already have. If you don't share the same feelings, I hope we can continue being the friends we've always been. Life is a collection of moments, and I love creating countless memories with you. I want to be the person who stands by your side, supporting you and comforting you. Together, we can navigate the twists and turns of life's journey, turning ordinary moments into extraordinary memories. I understand the importance of taking risks, and this letter is my test of faith. I hope it doesn't change the vibe between us, but rather adds a new layer of depth and understanding. Whether you decide to reciprocate these feelings or not, know that I value our connection. I can never forget that moment. Emphatically that moment when my eyes were locked up north before you, trying so hard to stop my cheeks from falling and my brain giving my heart a new rhythm. Right when I try to pump some oxygen in, my nostrils jam, leaving my eyes to do the breathing. They actually seemed fine doing the job. I guess what I was looking at had much more life than dear oxygen himself. My nerves had a good time transporting messages, and the blood stuck in my heart conversed: "Such a great feeling when she passed by." Mommy once told me that one day I will look at someone just like how I look at the stars and I guessed she was right. You are the first person I think of whenever I wake up in the morning. The only person I could think of whenever I hear the word, love. My friends knew about you even before I introduced them to you. How I explained you to them, the girl with the galaxy in her eyes. Darlene, what's there to achieve when loving you is all I could perceive. I am a victim of my own love words as I got slaughtered by your smile and toasted by your voice. This letter is a testament that you have succeeded in making me fall completely in love with every inch of you. You leave me in awe with your unexpected cuddles. If yours was just a smile, I wouldn't have been hypnotized. If yours was just a smile, I wouldn't have fallen in love. In the beginning was you, and my heart was with you, and now my life is all about you. You were my heart's Alma Mata and still its current abode. I'm not very good at hugging. It takes a while for me to figure out whose arms goes on top of the other and you know that. I'm not sure I've even kissed before. You owe me one though, the last time we played truth or dare. I don't know how to invite you to the late night neon parties. I don't know how we will dress for Halloween, salt and pepper? I might not even know what to get you on valentine but one thing I'm sure of is that I know a thousand ways to say I love you and that's all I have. I mean whatever I say. There's this feeling I always have right after seeing your smile. The beat of my heart skips to my tummy. I get filled with love and I wait humbly for dessert which is your soothing touch. The collywobbles said everything. You're just like a cupid. With your eyes and smile, you hit me with love. I just can't stop talking about your smile huh? Everyone falls in love. Everyone loves to spend their whole life with one person. Everyone loves to cuddle one person forever, even me, and my one person is you. Forever and ever and always. I remember those funny times when I quickly rushed off our chats because you were typing and I didn't want you to think that you were the only person I had to talk to all day. Hey, sugar is sweet and so are you😏 and if I can't have your eyes, our kids can have them too. All I've been trying to say this whole time was, if by any chance you could give me the permission to make you my one and only. In this letter comes with a ring. Kneeling down feels a little old fashioned now. I will come and receive the hugs and kisses later, if only you would be giving me the chance. And if, by some miracle, you feel even a fraction of what I feel for you, then I believe we could create something truly magical. I understand the gravity of the position I am applying for, and I am ready to dedicate myself to the role of being your personal person. I eagerly await the opportunity to discuss this further and explore the possibility of a future together. Thank you for considering my application

Yours faithfully,


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