7:00am - The kitchen

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TW: Drug mention

I walked into the kitchen, placing my phone inside of my pocket as I walk through the door.

I shuffled over to the fridge, opening it before sighing deeply at the sight of an empty fridge.. I don't exactly know why I had expected for something to be inside of my fridge when I very rarely have time to go shopping for food and my job doesn't pay enough to keep up with costs of food either way.

I tried to slide in a cool way across the tiles to the opposite side of the kitchen, just about managing. However, I did slide into the corner counter which.. Hurt slightly. But at least I was where everything was now. I flipped the kettle on and grabbed my favorite mug from the cabinet, rinsing it 3 times as that was my routine.

"I look fabulous, everybody loves me!" I spoke with pride and confidence before catching a glance of my hardly visible reflection in the window next to me, my confidence and pride shattered almost instantly, a frown formed on my face.

"I look like I crawled out of a bush.. There goes my confidence!" I yell the last words angrily, I then noticed that the kettle happened to be done boiling so I grab the small, metallic tub nearby and then a coffee spoon, scooping out specifically 2 spoons of coffee and dumping them into my mug. "God.. I probably look like a drug addict who keeps crack in a tub.. I wonder if people keep crack in a tub."

I then grab the kettle and messily pour the boiling water into the mug, nearly dropping the kettle, as I scrambled to get the kettle, water spilt from it, burning my skin harshly. I hiss in pain before placing the kettle back onto it's stand, not bothering to fill it back up to the top, not that it needed that anyways.

I picked up my coffee mug and downed my coffee, it scolded my throat as it went down, also burning my chest causing some pain, I finish my coffee within moments before tensing up in pain.

But, I didn't have time to cry over.. Spilt water. No.

I had quickly realized the time and began to panic, quickly grabbing my small, star shaped bag and my compass before rushing out of the front door.

As I rushed out of the front door, I tripped on the 'goodbye' mat.. This had caused me to fall face first into a bush, now I really had crawled out of a bush.

I huffed, aggravated at the situation before quickly dragging myself out and running towards my work building.

Total words: 449

It all happened so fast.. - a rewrite versionWhere stories live. Discover now