8:10am - The location

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TW: Swearing

"Finally.. All that running pays off" I think to myself with a slight Huff, but at least I've made it to this.. Dead end job.. Ugh.. "Oh well! The- The run was worth it! I need to lose weight again anyways.." I mumbled to myself, trying to make things seem better.

I walked into the large building, making my way down the corridors, mumbling to myself in frustration I once more had. I eventually make it to the door of my work room.. I take a breath before pulling the handle down, it didn't open ugh.. This door had always had some sort of issue.. I began to mess with the handle a bit to try and open the door somehow, eventually getting it open.

I then step inside of the room to see.. 20 creates.. "I swear he's doing this to give me more work or something! Who the hell needs 20 fucking creates!?" I yell out loud, venting my frustration to nobody.

I punch the closest wall in rage.. A bit too hard as my hand went straight through, leaving a hole... A noticeable one at that..

"Whoopsies!" I quickly pick up on of the heavy creates, it's a surprise I don't have giant muscles by now with how heavy these are..

It all happened so fast.. - a rewrite versionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें