Part 3

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He stayed silent, worrying his plump bottom lip between his teeth.

That night, your brother had gone inside to get you all drinks. Seokjin's long frame was sprawled out next to yours on the roof, bodies comfortably close as you both stared up at the star-dotted sky. He'd told you that he never doubted you'd always get exactly what you dreamed of. And that he and Yoongi would be there for you to support you down whatever path you wanted to follow. And then he'd sat up, his beautiful face hovering just above you against the glittering backdrop of stars, and given you the softest kiss, hot in a way that seared through your every layer, imprinting itself on your soul. You'd threaded your fingers into his hair and melted into his kiss and tasted the sweet of cake frosting and happiness and him. Your brother had come back just after you'd leaned apart and, though you'd never been able to forget it, neither of you had spoken about it since.

Seokjin hung his head, seemingly weighed down by the recollection. "It was the next day that Yoongi told me no one would ever be good enough for you. I never knew if he saw us or if he could just tell how close I was getting to you and he didn't like it. I didn't know, and I didn't want to ruin anything, so I...I just backed off."

You nodded. "I don't think it was long after that that he told me you were off limits too."

"So see, even I'm not good enough for you, Y/N."

"Seokjin, you're not just Yoongi's friend, you're mine too," you said, a little more defensively than you meant. "You know that right?"

"Of course I do, love," he said hurriedly. He lifted your hands then, planting a soft kiss against the back your yours.

"You've supported me my whole life, through every misstep and triumph and doubt you've always been there for me. Studying, gaming, working, and being a great friend. I don't care about all that other shit. I care about someone who's kind to me, who respects me, who likes me for who I am exactly as I am. That's my type. And that's always been you."

"Always will, love," he said quietly, punctuating his words with another kiss to the back of your other hand.

"So," you started, a little emboldened by his touch. You leaned toward him with a cautious grin. "You kissed me and then spent all these years running away from me only to go rub one out, huh?"

He groaned and pulled one hand away, pressing it against his mouth as pink blossomed in his cheeks again. "Why did I tell you that? That's so embarrassing."

"Oh, I want to hear more," you said, sure your grin had turned mischievous. "I told you about my dreams. Tell me what else we do in yours?"

He swallowed and you watched as thoughts he'd clearly buried for a long time resurfaced on his face. He rubbed his fingers nervously against his lips and his eyes betrayed him, drifting slowly down to land on yours.

"I spend a lot of time dreaming about your mouth. Kissing you for hours. Biting your lips. Tasting your tongue. Though I suppose I've had some of that experience now."

You leaned forward and met your lips to his again, starting out with the lightest press to test that he still wanted this. You felt his lips part slightly, felt him lean into the kiss, and you sank into him further. You swiped your tongue slowly across his lower lip and just as he leaned into you, preparing to reach for more, you pulled away. Seokjin looked a little dumbstruck, exhaling softly as he stared down at you, fingers of the hand still gripping yours clutching you tighter.

"Dreams can't compare," he said breathlessly.

You chuckled and sat back on the bed, slipping your hand from his and widening the space between you. It was selfish, but the look of desperation that flashed across Seokjin's face as he watched you move away was worth it.

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