Chapter 37. The Animal

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Day 4: Seven dead

"Step away from her", a voice called out urgently in the background. Kane complied, distancing himself from Kakume. Kurapika stood in the rain, eyes glowing scarlet, his chains already summoned.

"You're a Blacklist Hunter too, aren't you? You've got that look on your face. That all-consuming determination, that one-track mind, like a bloodhound on a trail", Kane told him.

"We are nothing alike, you and I".

That made Kane laugh. "You keep telling yourself that. I did too, once. What you see in front of you is a mirror into your future", he affirmed, then lunged at him, no doubt hoping for a better fight.

And Kurapika gave him one. Kakume couldn't see very well, the rain obscuring her vision. She felt weak, tired. Kurapika had used a new chain on Kane, a syringe that stole his Nen. He was using Emperor Time too, making him stronger than his opponent in all specializations of Nen, and was fueled by anger, presumably. Kakume couldn't think. Don't do this, Kurapika. You should have never come here...

Once he had defeated the enemy, he came up to her, asking how she was. The clouds were clearing up in the sky, but a dark one still circled around her mind. She took a step toward Kurapika and slapped him hard in the face.


"Why?", she cried, angry, miserable. She continued hitting him feebly. "You should have let him kill me! It's what I deserve! It's all I deserve!"

Kurapika looked at her, flabbergasted. He took her arms into his. Shuri fell to her knees. "Why didn't you let me die?", she asked him, tears strolling down her face. How could you think that...? Don't you know why I could never do that? He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

She lifted her head up and stared at him. "I am not worth those hours of your life you have wasted trying to save mine". That rubbed him the wrong way.

"Shut up! You don't get to decide that! Listen to yourself! If you think for an instant that I'm just going to stand there while you throw your life away..."

Shuri looked to the side, shamed. "Nothing you could have done would ever justify that", he said. Kurapika grabbed her by the shoulders. "Whatever it is... haven't you been punished enough?"

She cried in his arms until she tired herself out.


It was late in the evening, around 10 PM, when they headed out. They had cleaned themselves from the grime and mud of battle, and rested a bit, but now, it was time to leave the castle. When Kakume produced the key, Kurapika didn't ask any questions. That didn't surprise her. If anyone could figure it out, it would be him. She thought about what happened in the courtyard. It was inevitable. I should have known better... I already knew that Kane wouldn't kill me then, no matter how much I was hoping he would. My death is already set in stone. I will die by Tam's hand, that much is certain.

She unlocked the gate, Kurapika right behind her.

"You've finished early, Kakume", she heard Arlan's voice say. He emerged from the shadows with a group of about ten men. He probably kept them around in case someone other than her came out of the castle. He lifted his rifle up. "Who's this guy?", he asked, pointing it in Kurapika's direction.

Kakume propped herself in front of him. "Nobody! Forget it, Arlan! He just got caught in the crossfire, he's done nothing wrong! Didn't deserve to die like the others..."

Arlan narrowed his eyes. "I find that hard to believe. You work for Neon Nostrade, friend?"

Kurapika conjured up his chains, his face serious. "I do", he answered simply.

Arlan chuckled. "You're an honest fellow, I'll give you that. We'll send her your head as a gift. Who knows? Maybe she'll put it into that nauseating collection of hers."

"I will kill you and every one of your men if I have to", said Kakume, dangerously.

But Arlan wasn't playing anymore. He gestured for his men to prepare their weapons. "You'll die for this 'nobody', now? Step aside, Kakume. That is an order."

"Then I must disobey". Kakume cut her arm, letting the blood take shape into her hand. "I've survived worse odds. Have you?"

In the deafening silence, Kakume and Arlan locked eyes, a palpable tension radiating between them like an invisible force field. Hostility simmered beneath the surface, unspoken words echoing in the stillness. Arlan sighed audibly and smiled. He walked up to her and put a hand on her cheek.

"How can I press on when you're giving me that face. I've always liked how feral you can get, Kakume. Like an animal. I can never guess what you'll do next". He turned back, preparing to leave.

"I'm not", said Kakume, her face somber. "An animal." Arlan paused and gazed at her. "Not anymore".

He gave her a sad look. "Apologies. That was an insensitive remark", he said, regretful, and then left.

Kurapika let out a breath. 

Kakume burst out laughing, surprising him. "Sorry about all that. But the important thing is... we kept up our special tradition of gut-wrenching horror and violence". He smiled despite himself.

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