Chapter 2. The Robbery

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"What is this place?"

The outside seemed innocuous enough. Some sort of bazaar? A general store, perhaps? When they entered, a small bell chimed. Kakume looked around. She pulled a lacquered vase from a shelf, the gold lining in its cracks pulsing faintly, faded voices coming out of it.

"Just... don't touch anything" Willat mumbled.

A comely woman appeared from behind the high shelves. Orange ringlets cascaded in a fountain around her face. She had a long face and dark eyelashes longer still.

"Oh, hello. Any way I could help you?"

"The wolves are calling in the mist, and the wind answers with blood", Willat whispered. Kakume gave him an incredulous look.

The woman pushed a ringlet behind her ear and nodded. "Ah, very well", she purred. The wall behind the counter opened up and gave way to a long hallway. Music resonated from within. Inside the hallway, it looked nothing like it did inside the store. Blood red neon illuminated the place dimly. A row of stalls lined the hallway. The curtains parting to the booths alternated between drawn and revealed, and exquisite rugs and silk pillows adorned the floor. Hushed murmurs and soft laughter could be heard all around.

"This is a pillowhouse, Willat. A brothel!", Kakume said, disbelieving.


"I suggest you explain yourself before I lose my temper"

"Remember when I mentioned that there is one place where Koruchachi lets his guard down? I don't know how much clearer I can get."

Kakume rubbed her temple. "Mother have mercy".

Willat gave her a small bottle of sedative. "Well, go on and do your duty".

"Bastard! How could you bring me to a place like this and ask me to do that? Don't you realize how bad I am at this game? I am not a seductress!" she whined, outraged.

"I am all too aware. But you'll do as you're told. For the mission", he said. "It's not like I can do it", he added, his face a pool of still water.

She sighed. "He will for sure recognize me".

"Not without your mask. Not without your clothes. Put this on."

"I can't believe you're putting me up to this", she spat as she grabbed the skimpy outfit forcefully from his hands. She went behind the curtains and changed.

She then slammed the curtain open, a deep frown plastered on her face. "You look nice", he said, giving her a bottle of golden vintage so she may play the proper hostess.

She turned on her heels, fuming.

"Third stall on the left" Willat let out. Good luck, he left unsaid.

She let herself in. Koruchachi was sprawled on the floor, wide abdomen giving him an almost comical spherical shape, getting a foot rub by some pretty attendant. He looked worse outside the arena than he did within, she judged.

"Mister. The madam sends a bottle for you, as a sign of good faith and appreciation for your loyal patronage", Kakume said, trying to keep her irritability in check.

The Hunter rubbed his belly, nursing a grin as enormous as it. "Here, there's plenty of space here. Why don't you join us, sweetling?"

Line, hook, and sinker, thought Kakume. She sat with them and poured him a drink. The man was obviously already intoxicated, as evidenced by his slurring and the crimson shade of his bulbous nose.

"Anyways, as I was saying, that Wraith girl didn't play fair, you know? Yes. She cheated; I know that for a fact! I told the judges as much, but because she is more popular with the crowd, she falls in their favor. That's the truth!" he prattled blithely on.

Kakume waited. Finally, he crumpled and started snoring loudly, a bubble rising and falling rhythmically in his nostril. The woman, wasting no time, stood and left, a bored expression upon her face. Kakume rummaged Koruchachi's pockets and finally found it.

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