~Gentle Criminal~


With Gentle Criminal saying this, everyone looked over at him.

~Gentle Criminal~

"Allow me to take care of them."

~Joker (Deku)~

"Are you sure you're up to it?"

~Gentle Criminal~

"Yes I am. And if I'm not strong enough to stop them, I think I'll have enough strength to hold them back long enough for you and others to escape."

~La Brava~

"Gentle what are you saying?"

With La Brava saying this while looking up. Gentle Criminal kneeled down to her and placed his right hand over her left cheek.

~Gentle Criminal~

My dear La Brava. What I'm going to do is something that I have known that I was going to have to do."

~La Brava~

"But why?"

~Gentle Criminal~

"Because I must repay my dues to the man who has freed us."

~La Brava~

"Then I'll pay my dues with you as well."

~Gentle Criminal~

"No. Joker still has use of your assistance. So go with him."

~La Brava~


~Gentle criminal~

"Don't you worry about me my love. I will come back to you. That is a promise."

With tears building up in La Brava's eyes, she smiled at gentle criminal.

~La Brava~

"All right then my Gentle."

From saying this she lifts herself up on her tippy toes and grab the sides of his glass helmet wish you then places a kiss onto it. After she did so she then removed her hands from his helmet and stepped back as he then picked himself back up and looked over at Joker (Deku)

~Gentle Criminal~

"Sir. Go now."

Hearing Gentle Criminal say this, Joker (Deku) couldn't help but to smile at him.

~Joker (Deku)~

"I knew I made the wise choice of breaking you out of that truck that day."

~Gentle Criminal~

"I appreciate what you did and I will always be in your debt."

~Joker (Deku)~

"Hahaha, then make sure not to die."

~Gentle Criminal~

"Will do sir. Now go while you still have the chance."

With gentle criminal saying this. Joker (Deku) and the others began running into the tunnel that Twice opened for them. While they went through the tunnel, Gentle Criminal turned around and face the direction he came from and equipped his freeze gun where he then prepared himself to face off against his opponents. Soon enough the students of class 1A ran out of the tunnel and saw Gentle Criminal who analyzed them and saw that they were only 13 of them. As the students looked at Gentle Criminal they noticed his weapon in his hands, making them cautious before they approach him.

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