Chapter 7: Tangled

Start from the beginning

"Phi if you are, can you go out with me, please!" She declared with confidence.

My eyes were blazing with jealousy, Nick and Plug were laughing, praising the girls confidence.

"As much as I want Nong, I have to respectfully decline. Let's just say, you and I have the same type," he laughed sheepishly. "Can I sing a song for you to make up for it?" He asked.

"Dude, did he just admit he's gay?" Nick was speechless, gaze full of admiration.

"Sounds like it," Plug commented.

"It's pretty rare for people whose source of income is the crowd not to want to hide. He might lose his fanbase," Nick remarked.

"Looks like it doesn't deter them as much as you assumed," Plug laughed, gesturing to the girl who had said it's okay, she will change Ray's mind someday.

Aye is on his last song when Khan walks in, straight to the bar where I am, smiling as he asks Plug for his Negroni. He said hi as he trained his eyes to Ayan afterwards, ignoring Nick's shocked face.

Nick did a double take and said, "Ton?" Looking over Khan's polo shirt folded to his elbow, his formal slacks and his leather shoes. I'm guessing he must have just gotten off his hospital duty.

Spitting the beer in my mouth, realizing just now that Nick was right. No wonder, Khan had looked familiar. He looked like a healthier version of Boston. Probably because being a doctor, he is health conscious.  If Ton would gain a few pounds and dress like this, they could pass as twins.

Khan put down his Negroni on the counter and looked at Nick inquiringly. As Nick was about to say something, Thua had slipped his hand into Khan's apologizing for the hold up in the toilet. Smiling down with complete adoration, saying it's alright and ordering Thua a drink, obviously familiar with his boyfriend's preference.

"Sand!" Thua waved and I smiled, he glanced at Nick's ashen face and looked back at me confused.

Khan had put his chin on Thua's head, effectively ignoring Nick and looking at Ayan.

Pulling Nick back, I whispered, "that's not Boston." Making Nick finally breathe.

"Were you planning to kill yourself by holding your breath if that was Boston cuddling somebody else?" I smirked at Nick, whose healthy color had returned. Shaking my head in disbelief, just how madly in love Nick is with Boston.

"Thua, Khan this is my best friend Nick, Nick this is Thua and Khan. They're Ray's friends," I told Nick as Thua shakes his hand and Khan only smiles briefly before his eyes return to Ayan. I guess Khan is admirable like that. Boston should take lessons from his doppelgänger on being faithful and mindful of his partner's feelings.

Ayan made his way back to his friends, as my bandmates who were in the dressing room walked onto the stage. Smiling brightly at Thua and Khan who complimented his set.

Nick had nudged my foot, so I stood up and said, "Ray this is my best friend and roommate, Nick who had badgered me since he arrived for an introduction. Nick, this is Ray, YOLO's new main attraction."

With a short laugh he offered his hand to Nick, predictably still in his Ray persona he said, "just Ray is fine although being called main attraction doesn't sound so bad too."

"It's nice to meet you, Ray. You sound great there and you're pretty," Nick complimented openly.

"Thanks Nick. You're pretty cute yourself," he replied in a light tone and Nick actually blushed. Do I have to punch my own best friend tonight?

"Ray, are you gonna stay? I could take you home after my set," I asked.

Ayan looked at Thua whose eyes are wide and Khan whose interest is finally in the conversation happening near him.

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