
" WHAT??! "

" Bish if you wasted a second more of mine I swear I'll myself sent divorce papers to your home. Ask what tips you want !! "

" We will never divorce so dream on shorty!! "

" If you didn't shared whatever is going on in your head then their's a 95% chance you're gonna mess it up and then boom I'm Kim Jimin. "

Now Jungkook is more focused on his best friend than the problem he actually wanted to discuss. What does he mean by Kim Jimin?

" You...not really like my alpha do you? I won't leave him for you so you need to back off "

" I swear Kim Jungkook your possessive side is making you dumb day by day. What do you think I'll do huh? "

" You find my alpha hot. "

" And you don't??!  I'm just an artist who knows beauty when he sees one."

" He's my alpha so you can't look at him. Next time you meet him, DO NOT dare to look at his face. Or I'll leak those pictures of you being drunk a––"

" GOT IT "

" You better. " Jungkook at last gave a victory smile.

" So what's next? " Jimin asked still with a high heart rate due to reminder of that night.

" I want some tips. "

" Oh really??! Could have never guessed. " Jimin monotonously said

" So...you know our...last conversation was kinda..about...about uh " Jungkook asked suddenly feeling too shy

" How to seduce your hot handsome alpha? Pftt so you needed me for that? Haha "

" Hyung don't laugh! "

"Ok ok chill. What do you want to do? Want it to naturally happen or as soon as possible? "

" Of course I want to feel all emotions  with him. I want to go on sweet dates, late night long drives, dance and everything. I want to add more romance in our life you know. I'm becoming greedy and now want as much of his time as possible. I want this distance between us which we created to respect each others personal boundaries to end. "

" Then what do you need my help in all this? I think you almost figured everything out on your own? "

" I want you to guide me. What should I begin with? How do I even approach him with all this? "

" Hmm....I think first going on little dates would be nice. Taehyung is a hardworking man so he might not enjoy long drives right now so prepare something which will help him relax physically and mentally both."

" I was thinking something similar. But what exactly? We already had movie nights so that's out of option. "

" You didn't told me about that but ok I'm not hurt huh! "

" Stop sulking and find a way! "

" You live with your in-laws so nothing is possible there. I don't think Nari will let you spend quality time with Taehyung at Jeon Mansion so come at my home. Bring Taehyung here and arrange a set up at my backyard. You can arrange tents and have a dinner near a bonfire and all. How's that? "

" I don't want to trouble you Jimin-ah"

" Cut it Jungkook. Just tell me how's the idea? You want to do it with Taehyung? "

" I don't think it's bad so....maybe? "

" Ok then! Come tomorrow at my home in the morning, we'll decorate my backyard then at evening we'll call Taehyung at my house to pick you then you can have your little date. "

" But what if he's busy? "

" Oh come on! He'll not leave you here alone right? It's against alphas nature so don't think about negative things. "

" Let's not do this tomorrow. I'll ask him if he's free in the evening day after tomorrow and after that we'll proceed with the plan. I will tell him that you invited us for dinner. How's it? "

" I'm ok with everything as long as I get to see you both kiss in front of my eyes. Might put a secret camera in my backyard!! "

" PERVERT !!!!"  Jungkook shouted and hang up the call.


Next chapter will be lengthy. I can't write the planning for the date and actual date in the same chapter so sorry!! This update was for Tae's birthday but on the same date my exam result came and I was not happy with the result so I took off from all the platforms. I used to read books here to relax my mind but didn't have the stamina to write anything when I'm feeling so sad from inside. If I wrote in that period I would have made my characters go through the same feeling which is not good so please be understanding. I'll try to update, I'm not going anywhere but when I don't know. Please don't leave me during my tough times.

I haven't yet started writing anything but I thought to update the pre-written chp for Likeinworld . Stay with me please.

Thank you
Your author who loves each one of you a lot💜


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