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                                 PRISHA'S POV

Though yesterday was great and cozy, its monday today which means i have to get my ass up and go to work, all though I love what I do, I truly, truly hate monday mornings but I have a date with suriya today, as much as I want to hate that, I am exited to see what he's planned.

i wanted to wear something that would be office appropriate as well as date appropriate, I don't really know what he's planned or where we're going, so I chose a black body con dress and wore a winter coat over it, not because I was cold, but mainly because I wanted it to be wear-able for office. 

I was out the door all alone as rosh wasn't going to join me today because she's socializing!!. I got done all the work I had today, I had to go to the NOTRE DAME today to inspect something and drove back rushed to office as it was already 7 and I did not want to keep suriya waiting.

I drove in to the parking lot, I saw a black porshe most probably waiting for me. I parked the car and got out and fixed my hair and makeup before walking towards him, I left my coat in the car and went towards him. I looked over at him and cleared my throat to bring his attention on me.

he turned and looked at me but did not say a word just stared without blinking, i cleared my throat yet again and said

 "heyy, so, I am here You're here, mind telling me where we're going?!" and he did not reply so I assumed he din't want to...

"so, do you think what I am wearing is okay for where we're going?" I tried again. and no reply. I was pissed. I thought in my head 

"what does he think of himself?!! first he asks me out and insists even though I refused and now he won't even complement!! great! MEN!!!"

"oh hello MR busy prime minister" i said waving my hand in front of him.

"umm" he uttered almost sub-consiously

"may I please have your attention if you're done staring??" 

"only you have my attention when I am around you darling" he said.

 I felt my blood rushing towards my cheeks if I may say I blushed in taylor's language. 

"oh, is that why you're ignoring me despite asking me out and would'nt even care to tell me if I am looking appropriate to the place we're going??!"

"adiye, en azhage, is it even fair to  ask me if you're looking good, Because to me you're the most beautiful woman in this entire world."    {translation: "MY BEAUTY" }

i was flabbergasted with his tamil, I am pretty sure that he doesn't know tamil but his accent sounds almost like a native speaker!!! 

"And about dressing appropriate, you dress however you want, we'll choose a place that's  appropriate for how you've dressed."

as he said that I felt a whole ass zoo in my stomach!! as much as I don't want to fall for him, I am not too sure if I can keep away from him.

he bent down in side the car that was insanely short for his height, he grabbed a bouquet of books, chocolates, some letter that I can see was hand written and some makeup with little twines of green and brown twigs in it,  all of my favorite things, my eyes lit up as soon as I spotted those chocolates.....

he handed it to me and I got it from his hands immediately and examined all that was in tat bouquet and asked 

"aren't you supposed to bring some roses, lilies or some kind of flower bouquets, isn't that what men think when they should give on a date"

"Supposedly yes, but I don't think you'd enjoy some flowers over your favorite chocolates and romance novels plus you can ear chocolates and about eating flower I am not too sure" 

"If  you are done checking that bouquet shall we go?" he asked .

i nodded my head and he opened the car door for me to get in and after he walked over to the other side and started the car

"come on now, you should tell me atleast now where we are going" 

"since you want to know so badly where we are going, I will give you a hint"

"and I should guess?"


"okay, go on"

"since its the first date , i want to take you to place where you can be your self without having the fear of judgement and can relax your self looking at your beautiful reflection in natural mirror."

"no judgement, so no dinner - reflection in natural mirror, so water - beach but I heard that there aren't any beaches in paris so what place is it?!!" before I could finish he stopped the car on a river bank 

he opened the door and we both got out

"Yes its true that there aren't any beaches in paris , but there is this river The seine river thats so very calm during winters and pretty empty so I figured we could have the whole place to ourselves" he said.

"but isn't the seine river closed for visiting during winters?"

"yes you are correct, again but I practically own half of this river management so its open for us"


Hii there:)
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Lots of love <3 !!

Until next chapter

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