Guess I'm gonna catch a cold eating this alone.


Kyra's POV

In my sleepy state,I stepped into the bus as the clock ticked past 4.

Considering the time consumed in our midnight heist,the elevator session and a typical night of overflowing thoughts....I barely had enough sleep.

Walking to my previous seat,the window side was already occupied.

It was him again.

I assume we both don't have the energy to start another quarrel.Cause he looked drained, devoid of the usual charm on his face

Sitting beside Rishi,I tried everything I could to not drown myself in those tangled thoughts again.

But he was peacefully sleeping after creating a hurricane in me,with his contrasting behaviour.

He's sweet one minute and the next,he acts like a completely different person.

The nickname fits-Rooster...Roo

As the bus moved,I spotted Aditi smiling to herself for some reason unknown.
While Vivan looked too tired, handling all this stuff by himself.

Couldn't blame him..

I decided to sleep but the cold didn't allow me.

Am I growing weak?Or is everyone immune to the cold?

Noticing that almost everyone was wearing hoodies,I felt foolish for not bothering to pack one.

And I was too shy to make my uneasiness known.

When it all goes wrong,I turn to music.
Obviously it wouldn't warm me up...but at least it makes me forget the cold.

I plugged my earphones in and let the music distract me.

As the soft melody of Little Do You Know played,I glanced at him,slowly my eyelids drooped

He's a complicated maze,I don't understand.

Shifting to a more comfortable position,I fell asleep faster than I thought.

Umm....Maybe I was wrong

Music really had the ability to warm oneself up.I felt myself enveloped in a comfortable warmth as I was in deep slumber.

After what felt like a brief, peaceful interlude,I slowly opened my eyes.To my surprise,I found myself wrapped in a soft white hoodie.

The magic wasn't the work of music but a hoodie.

It wasn't mine....
Could it be....??

My gaze immediately shifted to my side.I know well I have no right to be disappointed.
But very well I was, when I saw Rishi still sleeping with his hoodie.

My brain's going crazy making up shit like this.

Chuckling,the next question raised in my mind, made me frown.

Who does this belong to then??


Rishi's POV

I won't say I'm fine.... I'm certainly not fine.

But obviously better than how I was the five days ago.

Sitting in the hall as Ms.Kaur talks about this year's Inkcraft Challenge,my mind fought hard to focus.

And Kyra sat a few seats away from me,not glancing once in my direction which shouldn't have been a problem.

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