Chapter 12 The Lab (un-edit)

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You and Dazai arrived at the floor the trip had been moments ago. He waved his arm out, allowing you to go first.

You gave a small nod and got off. From there, you two followed the signs and arrived at the checkpoint. The scene that wasn't shown in the novel.

The guards demanded you two to tell them who you both were, state of business for being there without appointment. 

Dazai mentioned not to kill them on Ougai Mori's orders. They needed them alive to interrogate later and find what they knew. You gave a silent nod.

When neither of you responded, the lights went out, and the guards started firing.

The demon prodigy and the Ice queen in sync in a silent dance defence and offence. Swift and precise in poking down on weak points in the back of the neck, heads, and used stun guns on some of them.

The guards unconscious bodies slumped to the ground with thuds. The two of you quickly managed to drag them to the nearest wall out of sight.

(Y/n/n) was able to get through the checkpoint to do a quick sweep of the area and unlock the gate signalling for Dazai it was all clear. There was the door that led through a hallway between research labs and the office far ahead.

(Y/n/n) stay close to Dazai, he used a stun gun saving Adam and the kid from guards that were about to comitted cold-blooded murder.

It can be no surprise when connected the dots it wad Dazai who had been pulling the pupeter all aling, Verlaine was simply following protocol and leaving a certain mafia boss as the last target. 

Adam locked the kid in a safe place, but it wouldn't hold him for long. He'd get out sooner or later.

Dazai confessed to reading Rimbaud's notebook. The very one that was supposed to be exclusive access to the boss and five executives. But for him to read it before Chuuya could mean he had the higher advantage.

He was lucky. Although Chiuya wasn't going to be happy when he finds out Dazai bet him to the punch. Although you would like to read it. It wasn't your place and felt far too personal invasion of a strangers privacy.

The three of you reached the room to discover a pile of dust on the floor. You all were too late.
The next step was to track down the scientist N. He couldn't have gotten too far.

(Y/n/n) aided Dazai into hacking into the system. Rearrange the algorithm of protocols and sections. You could see what the camera feed on the screens showed you three and rotational shifts to other parts of the facility.  

You both were able to postpone the self-destruct sequence, long enough to buy time for Chuuya to take the skeleton down, with Shirase's help.

Adam, (y/n/n) aka Ice Queen and Dazai found Verlaine and the scientist.

The scientist was captured before he could make a runner for the elevator that would've led him to his own personal escape route, and Verlaine was not far behind. Met up with Chuuya and Shirase. 

Verlain changed his mind about killing the scientist. He had some use left and escaped through the ceilings.

Leaving a giant hole, several stories high leading into the outside world, a thin trickle of sunlight cascading down to the group below. 

End of Chapter 12 The Lab

One more chapter of the Stormbringer ARC to go!

Word count: 1,746

A/N: I'm really sorry guys the previous chapter wasn't as good as it usually was. I also apologise. I may have rushed this chapter and am not sure if I mixed some scenes from stormbringer.

Thank you, everyone, for your support of Ice Heart. Your support means a lot to me. Thank you all for your patience.

I hope you all have a good day and a happy new year.


Ice Heart / Dazai Osamu X Reader (BSD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang