Twenty-Four:I'll Make Sure She's Safe

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Barakah Muhammad

A cry wakes me up. I open my eyes. The room is dark. Where am I again?

I hear the cry again beside me. It's Hoor. I rub her shaking body and whisper Ayatul Qursi in her ear. She stops crying and sighs. I lie back on the bed, remembering what happened yesterday. Aunty Rose, Mommy, and Aliyah.

I turn to the window behind me. It's dark outside. There's no light, and I can't remember where I dropped the small phone she left with me. I look away and hide my face behind Hoor's hair.

Minutes later, the ceiling fan begins to turn and the security lights outside come on. I wonder what mommy is doing now. She must have reached Aliyah's house and taken them to the hospital. I hope aunty Rose is okay. And the ugly uncle? I'm sure he's the one that hurt her. Maybe he ran away, that's why Aliyah was able to call. So where is he?

I shake my head. I should be sleeping, not thinking about things I don't know about. But what I know is that Aliyah is not alone anymore, and I won't ever leave her side.


I hear a voice and a hand on my shoulder. I open my eyes. Mommy's back. I sit up, rubbing my eyes. Hoor is no longer near me. "When did you come back?"

"Few minutes ago. Hoor is using the toilet. So just to the guest room." She says and leaves.

After praying, I help Hoor take her bath. After taking my own bath, I join mommy as she cleans Hoor's body.

"How is Aliyah?" I ask her, sitting at the edge of the bed with my cream.

"She's fine. It's Rose that was hurt, but she's receiving treatment." She frowns and turns to me, "Did you know?"

I blink, "Know what?"

"About Aliyah and her uncle."

I'm not sure how to answer. "I only met him once." I say, swallowing. "She didn't tell me anything."

Mommy eyes me, then sighs, "I'm not surprised sha. Rose hasn't been honest either. But did you ever notice anything strange about Aliyah?"

I nod. "She came with bruises." Mommy stops wearing Hoor's shirt for her and stares at me. Now's time to tell the truth. "Remember that time I asked for your advice for my friend."

Her eyes widen, "About one strange man?" I nod. "It was actually about Aliyah, and I asked her about him but she refused to say anything."

"You could've told me na." Mommy says.

"You said I needed proof." I say. "And Aliyah was pushing me away."

Mommy looks at me in pity and I don't like it. "What of the uncle?" I say.

"Finish getting dressed or you'll be late." She says and takes Hoor's hand.

Later, I join them in the dining room. Hoor is stabbing her egg omelette with her rubber fork. "I hope you're not planning to not go to school today."

She smiles and shakes her head. I smile too and sit down. She doesn't seem to have a problem in this life. And I used to be like this too, until I was kidnapped.

It's been a while since I thought about my experience. Sometimes I just pretend like it never happened. But since I met the ugly uncle, I just keep remembering what happened to me, and I know it's why I'm like Brianna said. The world is a very serious place. So I have to be serious too.

"Yaya Barakah!" Hoor shouts, her oily mouth close to my face. I shift back from my chair. "I was calling you." She says, still chewing her egg.

Eww. "I can hear you." I say.

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