Slow Nights

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So now it was just those two, sitting and silently enjoying the day. It was around 5:00 and really late. Tadano didn't really want komi-san to feel like he was just here to eat all their food so he started to help out and help her clean her room.

She insisted on not having him touch anything but she knew he wouldn't listen so she just went along with it

After a couple hours of just listening to music, talking, making another meal together and just living like a couple; both decided to just relax for a bit.

Shouko decided to hop in the shower and tadano would have liked to as well but realized he didn't bring another set of clothes. Shouko was shockingly prepared for this however and went to another room quickly to grab him some of Shouske's spare clothes that he barely used.

After she had come back from her bath tadano went in and while in there he just had this overwhelming amount of just sadness that he really couldn't get his finger on. He was happy to be with his girlfriend but also had this surge of thoughts.

Am I even worth her time? Why am I here? I should just go home, the storm isn't too bad anyway.

All these thoughts in his mind had him staring into space which he quickly snapped out of.Finally getting out of the bath he prepared to just hang out with shouko in her room and talk about their favorite movies, shows, how many friends she has left in order to fill her book, and etc.

But there it was again the huge surge of sadness from his mind. He could say nothing, he got a lump in his throat and his mind once again began to race as he kept thinking about how average he was. He never thought of his averageness being a bad thing but looking at it now; he saw that he was almost nothing to other people. He realized that once shouko had finally achieved her goal her would be forgotten.


She looked at him with confusion because he sounded shaky in his voice like he was on the brink of tears and he almost never called her by shouko only when something serious was going on or she was injured. A cold silence swept the room and she was so worried for him more than anything

S-Shouko, can *Sniff* can I ask you something (wiping away something on his face)

Am I good enough?

She tried looking at his face which had turned the other direction but he would not turn, she grabbed his cheek and forced him to look at her.

She gasped with fear and felt her throat go dry and close up in an instant.

He was sobbing with a look of loneliness she thought she would never see from him

I am so sorry for being such a nuisance in your house, I wasted so much of your time and I wanted *sniff* I only thought of myself as a waste of-

Before he could even finish his sentence, komi-san grabbed his head and pulled him into her chest and it caught tadano so off guard.

Stop that. It's ok...

You're ok...

Go ahead, let it out

He couldn't help but silently sob in her chest and hug her

I'm so *sniff* I'm so sorry

Im right here; (She shushed him like a baby and pet his hair) I will always be here for you

She stroked his hair slowly and held him on the bed, the orange afternoon light was fading in the room, the lights on the streets flickered on and thankfully her light in the room was already on

He lay on her chest as the lights got dimmer outside, the snow went from a heavy breeze to a slow descent. He turned his head only to find that he was laying on her chest. He was still sobbing but as he turned to face her she looked over at him and gave a smile that would melt away all those thoughts.

He turned his head on his side and felt calm. He had never felt this kind of presence before it was almost hypnotic in a way. All he could muster up to say was:

I love you so much

She stopped petting his head and started getting immediately red. She kept a slight blush on her face and smiled. She wanted to tell him about all those little moments that he would do for her and this time it was her moment to shine. He had helped her out in all her stressful times but now she could finally give back what was long due.

I love you too...

I will always continue to love you

After a few seconds she heard loud breathing and it seemed like he had fallen asleep once more. She wiped the tears that had ran down his face, grabbed a nearby blanket, got a bit more comfortable while also trying to not wake him up and lay her head on his as the snow began to stop and a car arrived outside the house.

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