A birthday gone wrong

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Luna: okay since my parents are still asleep right now and plus it's almost eight in the morning and with it being there day off and my dad birthday i should do something or just wait until my mom gets up.

Y/n: ugh what time is it oh it's only eight thirty well I guess I should get up huh oh good morning luna did you eat already you did good now go get ready while i make coffee for me and your father okay.

Luna: ah good morning and yes I already ate but one thing I don't know what to wear and usually daddy picks out my outfit but he still asleep right now and wait a second when i was in that one room with that machine what was it when i pulled the leaver oh now I remember i think it said grinder room and it also said don't enter with out mr or mrs. darling permission so i will be right back.

Walden: huh oh its my birthday and it looks like y/n is already awake and so is luna huh what is this why is luna going back into the grinder room oh no not on my watch hey sweetie what are you doing in here you know this is not a play area so lets get you out of here sweetie oh god no no no please step away from the grinder i cant lose another child.

Luna: oh good morning daddy don't worry i not that close huh oh no daddy.

Luna falls into the grinder but it only caught her left arm.

Walden: oh no shit shit fuck no this can't be happening now come on someone stop that machine now hold on sweetheart daddy got you and where off to the hospital.

At the hospital

Walden: it's okay baby where here hey nurse or someone please help me my daughter fell into a machine and it rip off her left arm so please you got to help me.

Nurse: okay just try and calm down what is your name and your daughter name.

Walden: it walden darling and my daughter name is luna darling and her mother name is y/n darling is that all you need.

Nurse: yes sir okay let's take her back and get her on some fluids while we scan for any damage of the skin and let see what we can do.

A few hours passed

Nurse: okay mr. Darling we got a good look at luna arm and me and the other doctor agreed on giving her a prosthetic left arm i hope that is all right with you.

Walden: it okay with me please just do anything i can't lose another one so please do what you got to do.

Nurse: okay and what do you mean you can't lose another one if i don't mind asking.

Walden: its a long story let just say she got to close to a certain machine and fell in while i was working on paperwork so me and my old wife got a divorce and that is that.

Nurse: oh wow I'm sorry for your loss but once we get this prosthetic on luna she will be good as new and plus haven't i seen you before with one other girl.

Walden: oh yes you have it was my assistant who is now my wife and the mother to my child so yeah i'm the same man.

Nurse: ah no wonder you look familiar to me because i was the same nurse that did the prosthetic for your wife and now for your daughter and don't you have a prosthetic as well mr. Darling as i can see.

Doctor: um excuse me I need my nurse in here for a second I'm sorry but it to measure the length of luna arm.

After all of that

Luna: huh where am i at i looks like a hospital and oh there dad he must be asleep I wonder what time it is oh it only seven in the morning and oh my left arm is now made of metal huh cool oh looks like dad awake good morning.

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