The ghost of ophilea

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Luna: i wonder what is in that room because it saids danger on it I don't see mommy or daddy anywhere so they won't mind if i take a small peep.

Y/n: okay i got my paperwork done and now i got to drop it off now that i think about it i have seen luna or walden for the whole day never mind speak of the devil there Walden but luna is not with him.

Walden: oh hey y/n say i see you got your papers for me and may i ask where is luna at you know she can't be by herself in this type of place so u thought she would be with you.

In the grinder room.

Luna: oh wow this is where all the colors get made this is nice i don't know why daddy tells me not to come in here huh whats is that more like who is that hello.

Ophelia spirt: hello little girl say what are you doing in here by your self and where are your parents at if i may ask and for introduction my name is Ophelia darling.

Luna: oh that's a pretty name my name is luna darling so are you like my dead sister that i should know about no wait that doesn't sounds like since you have different hair with horns so dose this mean my daddy was with somebody else right before he met my mom.

Ophelia: huh what do you mean by that my mom name is Julie darling and is married to walden darling unless something happened right after my death.

Y/n: huh why is the door to the grinder room open no no no please let luna be okay oh my god is that a spirt hey luna who are you talking to sweetheart

Ophelia: ah hello you must be my dad assistant say how are you not dead yet and oh what this a wedding ring on you're ring finger.

Walden: where those two they can't be to far huh why is the grinder room open ah hun and luna why are you to in here and say why is it so cold and why do you guys look like you seen a ghost.

Ophelia: hello father i see your well are you still married to Julie or are you still fighting over my death.

Walden: huh what this Ophelia wait this doesn't make sense your dead wait don't tell me luna honey say can you see ghost and spirit from the dead because if you can than that amazing

Luna: um I don't know what your asking from me but in a simple answer than yes i can see ghost and spirits that why i can talk to Ophelia daddy

Walden: ah okay and Ophelia listen to me and listen well me and Julie are no longer together anymore since your death it separated us and we both agreed on a divorce and after that while y/n was still my assistant i kinda grow feelings for her and than i ask her to be my spouse and and now we have a little girl name luna.

Ophelia: okay so let me get this straight so after my death you and Julie decide to separate and than a few year later you hired this lovely lady to be your assistant but than you ended up getting feelings for her and now with a child from what your telling me.

Luna: by the way i'm not that little anymore i'm fifteen now i was born in may on the sixteenth in 2008 so yeah but in my dad eyes I'm still his little girl and won't let me leave the factory until I'm eighteen so yep.

Walden: but it is true you are my little girl i just don't want you growing up on me because your mine and your mother only child so i wanna be with you as long as possible even when you get married

Ophelia: well than luna I'm sorry that i called you a little girl well my time is over i better get back it was nice to meet you and y/n and see you daddy.

Walden and y/n: good bye Ophelia but next time if you're going to appear make sure it's not in the grinder room i almost had a heart attack you got that

Ophelia: noted

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