Welcome back y/n

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Walden pov: hey kid how are you feeling i bet your ready to go back to the factory and don't worry i took care of that one worker i threw him into the grinder lets get you out of here.

Y/n, oh hey sir yeah im ready to leave this place and i have everything we just have to make a pit stop and get my meds i mean if that will be all right and so the one worker is gone.

Walden, yep and yes we can stop by the pharmacy and we can stop by a coffee shop since i have not had my coffee yet

Y/n, okay thanks boss do you mind if take a small nap while you drive because the nurse had me up at like five am.

Walden, oh huh yeah sure kid you look exhausted I guessing those three surgeries really took a lot out of you so get some rest and will wake you when we get to the factory okay kid.

Y/n, good night boss

As soon as we got to the factory

Walden, hey kid were here your going to be out of it for a good couple of hours so i will walk you to your dorm and you can go back to sleep.

Y/n, huh oh cool where back and thanks for walking me to my dorm sir but i think i can manage to my room on my own now and i going to get some sleep when do you want me back to work

Walden, hey don't worry about work once i see you more active and talkative than i you can start work again so go ahead and get much needed rest
About three weeks later y/n was moving around and being active

Walden, hey kid how you feeling

Y/n, oh I'm feeling a lot better

Walden, thats good to hear so how do you fell with some paperwork and getting me my coffee but if that to much huh kid where did you go

Y/n, here you go sir here is your coffee and i got those papers signed

Walden, oh shit i'm glad your back kid it wad lonely here in the factory and that was quick and you know that i don't like hugs but come hear

Y/n, um how about no i don't do hugs at all those sorry but the last time i try that i ended almost getting slapped by my mon so i just don't if you understand

Walden, ah okay I understand how about a handshake will that be good for you.

Y/n, that i can do thank you sir but it good to be back

Rainbow factoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz