Meeting the boss of the factory

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Y/n pov ugh who can be calling at seven in the morning hold on as i yelled at my phone because it was right next to me as I finally answered it hello.

Julie, hello is this y/n speaking oh great i saw your job resume and my boss liked what he saw in your resume and he was wondering if you can come in around nine in the morning

Y/n, yes this her speaking im so glad that your boss like my job resume and yeah i can be there about nine i will see you tomorrow have a nice morning

Y/n pov okay lets not fuck this up and let's actually get there on time i will set my alarm about six and leave my house about eight twenty and i should pull in about eight forty.

The next day
Y/n okay lets do this it almost seven i got like and hour and since i did my hair first and looks like im ready to go as i grab my car keys it just turned exactly eight in the morning as soon as i got there it was eight forty so as i walked in i was greeted by the lady who talked with me.

Julie, oh y/n over here as she said in excitement im glad but your early that my boss is not ready yet but i can get you checked in.

Y/n, oh good morning sorry that im early its because i drive so i got here a little bit early and thanks for checking me in i can got sit in the waiting room for your boss
A few minutes later a guy with yellow skin and messy blue hair with a meddle arm he look like about six foot seven comes walking out

Walden, ah good morning Julie you said the new person is here

Julie, good morning boss she is here she is actually in the waiting room for you hey y/n can you come over here for a sec and meet the boss

Y/n, of course why hello im y/n im the one who applied for the assistant position for this factory

Walden, hmmm well its very nice to meet you y/n say if you fallow me we can chat in my office it upstairs and we can take the elevator up there

Y/n, yes sir it a pleasure to meet you i have one question but i will make it quick say if i do get the job what would i be doing?

Walden, if you do get this job you would be getting me paperwork and my coffee but for now just be quiet while i ask you some questions if thats okay with you.

Y/n, of course what is your first question for me sir?.

Walden, okay frist question how old are you and why do you want this job and i think thats about it

Y/n, well you see I'm nineteen and the reason why i want this job it because i just moved out of my moms house she and my dad are divorced so monday to Friday my dad would have me but than i on the weekends my mom would have me untill when i finally moved out and now and i wad job searching and none of them caught my eyes but this job really got my attention so yeah i think thats about it.

Walden, ah okay than y/n i was looking through your job resume and it ask for pronouns what pronounced do you use so I know

Y/n, oh i use she/they pronouns sir

Walden, alright than thank you but everything looks good so it a pleasure for you to be my assistant here is your coat and i will show you to you office and you can call me walden or mr. Darling but thats it i don't do that cute shit or you will get threw in to the grinder you got that.

Y/n, yes sir I completely understand and i shaw not sat nothing about this factory to no one at all not even friends or family if i do than i shall throw my own self into the grinder because i was reading in the contract if anything came out of my mouth that it would be my life.

Walden, oh i see you read the whole thing so you know what not to do and also dark roast and two sugar and no cream can you remember that one

Y/n, yes sir its dark roast with two sugar and no cream don't worry i cant have milk either im lactose intolerant as well

Walden, okay thanks for letting me know and other things i should known before i give you the tour

Y/n, hmmmm no i don't think so
Walden, good to know about that

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