The Kingdom of Elenoir

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Watching Arthur discuss and explain our travel here to the King and Queen of Elenoir, I began to sense the life force of each individual inside the building and around it.

The King and Queen weren't too powerful, they were strong by average people's standards, but nothing in the grand scheme of things.

The guards around us were around their level, a few varying, but not anything too threatening.

The Ki signature that stood out to me the most in this room was the old man sitting beside the King. He had been observing Arthur and I intently ever since had gotten here, but I could tell, even while he was resting, he's strong.

If I had to guess, he may be one of the strongest people in Elenoir. I say one of them because I could feel two large Ki signatures just on top the room of where we were.

I could tell they weren't hostile, but I knew they would attack at a moment's notice. Their power was... amazing. It wasn't comparable to the man who killed Sylvia or even the weakened version of Sylvia we saw before being nudged out, but they were stronger than the man sitting opposite me and that's saying something.

"Alright Y/N, is that okay, we're going to be leaving tomorrow." Arthur nudged me, snapping me out of my sensing.

Looking up at him with a satisfied look, I nodded. "Yeah, that's fine," I replied as we jumped down from our seats.

I glanced over to Tessia to see her face wrinkled up into a frown. She was clearly upset, but Arthur didn't seem to pay any attention to it, just like me, he was determined to go home.


(Arthur Leywin POV)

After finishing my bath, I entered the room Alduin and Merial had given Y/N and I for the night. The room was the size of our old kitchen and living room, which meant the both of us didn't know what to do with all the space instead of sitting on a couch, sparring or meditating.

"Ah you're back, you took a while." Y/N smiled, flying over to me.

"Unlike you, I like to soak in the water." I chuckled, making him raise a brow.

"Showers are meant to be quick, in and out. You scrub really hard to get the dirt out and then get out. No need for all the extra things in between." He scoffed, making me smile.

"Whatever you say barbarian." I joked before walking over to the couch. Lifting myself up onto the couch, I allowed the stone that Sylvia gave me to roll out onto the couch. "I wonder what-" But before I could finish my sentence, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, forcing me to halt my sentence and grip it.

Rushing over to me, Y/N began to rub my back in an attempt to ease the pain. "What's wrong? Tell me what's wrong Arthur." He pleaded.

"I don't know." I groaned as the pain slowly began to disappear. Over the past few days, I had been feeling those pains and they only got worse as time went on.

If I really knew what the pain was, I'd tell my brother but I don't know what it is. I trust Y/N with my life even if I've known him for a few years. I had experienced many things with him already and we both shared something in common that no one else could share or understand. To say our bond was that of real brothers would be an understatement.

"Does it feel like it's a mana core issue or is it something else?" He asked, making me think.

"Sort of, I don't actually know," I replied with a firm voice.

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