A New Dawn

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(A/N: this chapter will be really fast paced, but it's only to get passed the beginning since I want to get into the story and explore the world.

Don't worry, my writing won't be cliché and things will get fleshed out. Anyway with that, ENJOY!)

My life was... boring. Y/N L/N, the eighteen-year-old salesman who had no love life, a poor connection with his family outside of his mother and had below-average looks.

My life was boring and barely worth living until one day, my mother was rushed into the hospital and I was given the burden of looking after her.

I know what your first question is going to be, 'Y/N, why haven't your family members helped?' Well... my family don't talk to her because of me, I single-handedly separated the family after an incident that happened when I was sixteen.

The incident was terrible, to say the least. I won't go into detail but just know that it's the cause of my mistrust in people.

Anyway, now, my boring life was a stressful life. Every day I had been working myself day and night to provide enough money for my mother to be treated.

I had worked so hard, SO HARD, until... the doctor hit me with, "Your mother's condition isn't getting any better."

Immediately I yelled, "HOW?! I've been paying for her expenses, shouldn't she be getting better? Isn't your medicine and aren't doctors top of line?"

In reply, I got a cold, "Yes, but your mother's condition is... rare. To keep it simple, we'll need a heart transplant, but we don't know if you have the money for that. I mean, you've been late quite a few times with the payments and this one costs far more." The elderly man explained, causing an otherworldly pain to hit my chest.

"So... what you're saying is... no, no, no, NO! I won't allow it, is there any other way I can help?" I desperately asked, making the man bite his bottom lip.

"You could offer your own heart, but that'll me-"

"I'll do it! I don't care if it'll cost my life, take my heart, it isn't worth much anyway! Just take it and put it inside someone who actually deserves it!" I demanded, shocking the man.

Taking a moment to process what I had just said, the man looked at me and then pinched himself. "You're willing to give up your life for your mother? Are you sure? We don't do procedures like this unless you're willing to do it. To be honest, we rarely ever do things like this."

"Yes I'm sure, I'll sign every and anything." Seeing the conviction and determination in my eyes, the elderly man smiled and then patted my shoulder.

"You're a strong and good boy, I don't even think I would offer my own heart up for my late mother." He solemnly admitted.

"Well your life is worth keeping, you save lives, while I don't really do much." I sheepishly laughed before standing up.

Looking at me with a puzzled face, the man put a stack of papers down on the table. "Where do you think you're going, you have a bunch of paperwork to sign." He laughed, forcing me back down.

After an hour of signing paperwork, I got up to leave. He gave me forty-eight hours to live and did I use it properly? Well technically I did, I spent forty-eight hours straight, reading Dragon Ball from the original Dragon Ball to the end of Super. Well, what was out with Super. How I was able to do it was very nerdy of me.

I've read the series and everything surrounding it at least twenty times so I was able to spend a limited amount of time on each chapter before moving on.

Anyway, the end of the forty-eight hours arrived and it was time for the surgery. When I got to my deathbed, I didn't feel any regret, I felt at peace.

As they carved my chest open, I fell asleep and accepted my fate. The first hour I had during my forty-eight hours, I sent a note to my family, it was a lengthy one, but to simplify it, it said, 'Forgive my mother and take her back in, with me being gone all of her strings to me will be detached so please take her back in.' The letter should arrive today so I didn't have to deal with anything they may say back.

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