Sylvia's Wisdom and Elf Princess

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A/N: I changed Y/N's design for anyone who read it a couple of hours after I dropped the chapter, since he's a Saiyan expect him to keep this type of face until he's 15/16. Anyway, time for the chapter!

 Anyway, time for the chapter!

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


"Art, get behind me, I'm gonna fight this scary thing." I glared, naturally activating my older brother instincts.

"I'm the voice from your head, it's okay boys. My name is Sylvia, come, let's have some food." The massive demon-looking creature spoke.

"Poisoned food? I can't eat it." I retorted, making the thing stop in its tracks.

Looking at me for a second, the thing tilted its head. "Why would I need to poison someone who is so much weaker than myself?" The being asked, making me shrug.

"Well, erm... there's a hole in your chest, that means you're weak right now. Maybe you eat human children to survive." The more I talk the more I just sound extremely scared and irrational, I've seen manga and anime where the big mysterious person or creature is actually kind.

"Eat human children? I would do no such thing." Sylvia responded in a shocked tone. "Just come and eat, I can tell that both of you are extremely hungry." She said, patting the stone next to her.

Behind me, Arthur tugged on my ragged t-shirt and nodded toward it. "Just trust her." He said in an annoyed tone.

"Okay, sure." I sighed, putting my guard down. Walking alongside Arthur to where the fruit lay, I could feel the fruit call out to me as we inched closer.

When I sat down next to Sylvia and took a bite of her glowing fruit, I could feel all of my strength return and myself getting stronger. "So Sylvia, why did you save us?" I asked the huge woman.

"Because of your courageous acts and maybe because I was feeling lonely down here." She yawned.

"Ah, I see I see." I thought out loud before turning to Arthur.

"These fruits are great, I feel really good and really... sleepy." I yawned as well.

"Everyone should get some rest and then we can discuss and do many things tomorrow, I'll start on the portal as soon as I wake up." Portal? I'm assuming to go back to our parents. "Oh and your parents, they're safe. The twin horns are safe too." She said before standing up, making Arthur and me happy.

"Now I can sleep with an empty mind." Arthur gently smiled before laying back.

"Same here." I agreed as I laid back too. Within a matter of moments, I fell asleep.


The days and weeks would pass by extremely fast. The days would consist of Sylvia making our portal while watching us train. Today, Arthur and I have decided to dedicate it to meditating. "Boys, I have some advice for you both." Sylvia in a happy tone said, snapping us out of our meditation. "Arthur you possess magic and Y/N you possess Ki don't you?" How does she know what Ki is?

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