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4:00 pm
I arrive home and take a nice long bath to relax. After that I try doing some homework. (I know, homework on the first day. Fucked up.)

8:00 pm
I have a thing for either going to bed early or not going to bed at all. Tonight is one of the early nights.

7:00 am
Already dressed for school and I have an hour to kill. So I spend most of my time on my phone. Then I get a text from my friend, Megan. She didn't go to school yesterday because she was "out of town."

Megan: *Hey! First day of High School!*

Me: *For you at least.*

Megan: *yeah, yeah, any advice?*

Me: *Don't throw up.*

Megan: *Thanks. Come over in a bit.*

Me: *Sure thing.*

7:40 am
My dad drops me off at Megan's house since i'm not really old enough to drive myself. Her brother is taking us anyway.
"I'm nervous." She says as I walk through the door.
"Don't be. You'll be fine." I say rolling my eyes.
She walks back and forth.
"Hey. At least you don't have you know who in one of your classes." I say to her with one eyebrow lifted.
"You have Mickey in a class?!" She yells
"Louder Meg I don't think China heard you clear enough." I say moving my jaw one side to the other.
"Oops. Sorry." She shrugs.
"Anyway we pick our electives today. I don't know what to expect." I say.
"Don't look at me. Im a Freshman." She shakes her head.
"C'mon guys lets go." Meg's brother interrupts while walking out the door with his keys.

8:15 am
We get to school and i look over at Meg's shaking hands.
"Chill out Meg it's High School, not the old lady across the street's house." I joke.
We get out of the car, enter the school and make our way to the signup sheets for clubs. Apparently, I heard they were going to transfer them as if they are classes so we have we have 40 minutes of everything on this wall.
"Cheerleading, chess, yearbook, newspaper?" Meg questions.
"Yup. I guess the principle changed a few stuff." I say.
Come to think of it I haven't seen the principle at all.
"Who's he?" Meg turns over to a guy in tux and wearing sunglasses.
"And why is he wearing sunglasses inside?" I continue the question.
"Oh god. He's coming this way." Meg tries to hide behind me.
"Hello ladies, I'm Principle Pinsinati. You're new principle." He smiles.
"Adelaine. B-but call me Addie. And that's Meg." I point at her with my thumb.
and he smirks.
"So you're signing up for clubs?" He changes the subject.
"Yeah." I sigh nodding.
"Well, I'll leave you two." He walks away.
"He's.... Attractive" Meg says with a slight pause.
I nod in agreement and we both look at his butt. You know...The usual girl thing. I look through the posters of the signup sheets and i see a club i was very interested in.
"Photography?" I whisper.
"Whatever I'm signing up for Fashion." Meg says in frustration.
I scoff and sign up for photography.

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