Funeral pt. 1

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Jimin backed away after the kiss only to look me in my eyes. He then spoke. "What happened today y/n. Why did you get so drunk?" He looked at me all worried. Seeing him like this made me smile a bit because it means he still cares. I sighed and told him everything, how mom lied to me and how it all played a part into me and him being married. "That's...insane. I really had no idea. Of course I always wondered why it had to be you and not Darla but you know how my dad is. Whatever he says. Goes." I simply nodded. Still I couldn't help but wonder why it was so important for me and Jimin to get married. I then asked him "Hey Jimin... you wouldn't happen to know why they were in such a rush for us to be married would you?" He looked away for a split second and then spoke. "Y/n it's complicated but I know I can trust you and I mean after all you've told me your secrets I guess it's time to tell you ours. Including dads. You are well aware that my dad is part of an illegal business. Well truth is your dad had gone bankrupt and my dad agreed to help him just on one condition." I assumed he would say that if I married Jimin but boy was I wrong. He then said " Only  if your dad agreed to help him with business. To which he did at first but ever since I've known your dad he was an honest man. He never wanted to do anything bad but my dad reminded him each time of the consequences that came with betraying him. My dad would threaten to hurt you and your family. The only way to stop that risk was for us to marry. When he mentioned that idea to my dad he was intrigued but he didn't want Darla to be my wife because he knew she didn't carry his family name." It was all making sense to me. I guess in the end dad really was a good person. Sure he made shitty mistakes but we all do...don't we? Jimin snapped me back into reality when he placed his hand over mine. "Is this too much for you?" I shook my head no. "I'm okay I'm just a little you know taken aback. It's a lot to process in one night." He got up and kissed me gently. "I'll be going then so you can get some sleep. You'll need it for tomorrow." Oh right I forgot tomorrow was the funeral. All of my crummy family was going to be there. Even jimin's family will be there and I am not ready to face them. They're so judgy." He said his goodbyes and left. I was getting ready for bed when I heard my phone ringing from the living room. I picked up the call."

"Y/n it's me Jungkook. I did what you asked me to. What should I do now? If you want I can send you his address and number?"
Really? That would be great thanks again Jungkook and hey...I'm sorry for ever doubting you. I was just scared.
"Don't worry about it. I could understand where you were coming from. Anyways I'll send you the information. Good night y/n."
I laid my phone to charge and went to bed. The next morning was a rough one I didn't want to get out of bed but I know I had to be strong today. For Darla.. only for you sister. I looked at my phone and decided to call the number Jungkook gave me.
"Hello? Who is this?"
Hello I'm Y/n , you probably don't know me but I just had a few questions I wanted to ask.. do you know someone named Renesme??
For a brief moment there was silence.
"I do. Why are you asking."
She's my mother. And I think you might be my sisters father.
The line cut but right after I received a message with a cafe address.
Message: Meet me at xxx-xx we can talk better there. Come alone.
I didn't have time for all this but I needed to ask more questions. I got dressed in all black because once I finished there I would leave for the funeral. When I arrived at the place I saw a man sitting at a table alone with his hands on his head as if he were stressed. "Excuse me... Mr. Reyes is that you?" He looked up and he hugged me. Awkward... "You're my daughter aren't you? You look just like-" I cut him off quickly "Oh no no I'm so sorry I'm not..your daughter. I apologize." He bowed and apologized. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to..well if you aren't her then who are you?" I sat down in front of him. I took a deep breath and spoke. "I'm Julissa Y/n the youngest daughter of Renesme. My sister was Darla she was your daughter." He then said "Well where is she? I want to see her please let me speak to her. I need to explain everything." Oh man...I'm not good and giving bad news. "Actually... there's no easy way to say what I'm about to say but...Darla she's... she- she's gone. She passed away about a week ago. I'm sorry." His eyes widened and he held his chest. I quickly asked one of the workers for a water. "This can't be. I was still holding onto hope that I would see her again." He was crying silently. I gave him the cup of water and he held his composure. "I'm so sorry you had to find out like this. I didn't really know if you would remember." He cleared his throat. "Of course I remember my little girl. She was all I ever needed in my life. Until..that witch took her from me." I looked at him in shock. "Witch ? Do you mean my mother ?" He nodded yes. "She took everything from me. Money.Joy. And my baby. Like if it was nothing. It was a bad custody battle that she was able to win by editing pictures of her being hit. She claimed it was me but I never laid hands on her not even once. Even though she deserved that and more. She was a cruel woman." I can't believe it she lied again. How many more lies do I need to hear about her. "Can I ask you something miss y/n?" I looked at him. "Yes, anything." He then said "Do you really know your mother?" A chill ran down my spine. "Your mother was never stable. Mentally I mean. Your mother she...had problems. Drug problems. Which is why I wanted to divorce her and take Darla with me. She did everything in her power to keep her. And the truth is she has many secrets hidden within her. Did she ever tell you that she killed her sister?" My eyes widened. "W-What ?! Sister? My mom never told us about a sister." He shook his head "of course she didn't. your mothers sister was a beautiful woman. She never cared for the fancy things in life. She was a simple girl. Your mothers parents favored her. You know your spirit reminds me of her. Truth is I fell for her before your mother but when she found out she ...took her sisters life away. She pushed her down a cliff never to be seen again. And worse part was she made me witness it all. I was forced to marry her or else she would kill me." I froze. Everything he was saying was too much. "I know my mother was never a saint. But kill someone? Her own family I just can't...believe what I'm hearing." He sighed. "How did Darla die?" I spoke "They said it was murder. She was poisoned. But I never found any leads. My mom said she had gone out and never came back-" he sat in silence as he watched me slowly put the pieces together. she was the last one to be with my sister. It can't be her. No she wouldn't ..she couldn't. " no no." I began crying. "No i refuse to believe this it can't be she couldn't have taken her from me." He patted me and comforted me. I wiped my tears. Just then my phone rang it was Jimin. I sniffled and answered. "Y/n the ceremony is starting soon where are you??" I don't know what came over me it was like my tears were done. All I saw was rage. "I'll be there soon."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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