It's Him.

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Dear Diary, today is the day we finally get to meet y/n's boyfriend. I'm so happy for her all she's ever talked about is this boy. I wonder who he is , is he really that special? I just hope she doesn't forget all about me.
(This was the day darla found out y/n's boyfriend Jimin was her ex boyfriend Jimin.)
Y/n's POV:
I closed the diary and closed my eyes remembering how that day played out.
I can't believe my family is about to meet my boyfriend I am so so happy. Darla still seems a bit upset from her break up but I know she'll support me today and be excited for me. *door bell rings*
"I'LL GET IT!!" I yelled while running to the door. Everyone was in the living room waiting patiently.
"Babe you made it! I'm so happy you're here" I smiled at him. He smiled back, "I brought wine , I hope your family approves of me. I'm really nervous." I hugged him "don't be they're going to love you." We walked into the living room and he greeted everyone. I looked over at Darla and she had a shocked look on her face. Not to mention she turned pale as if she saw a ghost. "D-Darla are you Alright ?" I asked curiously. She looked over at me with a look I had never seen before and now that I think of it that was the day Darla became very mean and nasty towards me. She remained silent. My father broke the silence and we all went to the dining room. We all sat down and had our meal and chatted for a while. Darla wouldn't stop glaring at me. It made me feel uneasy. "Excuse me but where is your restroom?" Jimin asked. "I can show you-" I was cut off by Darla "I'll show him!" I just nodded. They both left the room. I'm not sure what happened after that but Darla never came back from it. She left to her room. I opened my eyes.
*end of flashback*
That was the day she realized I was dating her ex. I can't believe this. Now I see why she hated me so much. I would hate me too. This isn't right , why didn't she tell me...I would have never been with him knowing all of this. Maybe that's why she didn't tell me. I opened her diary once more.
Dear diary, I can't believe it, Y/n is dating MY boyfriend!!! How could this be. Well I'll tell you, because of my father. The day after the dinner he called me into his office and sat me down he explained to me that I needed to follow along. I yelled at him for lying to me and taking Jimin away from me. He kept saying how he needed y/n and Jimin to date so his business and jimin's dad's business could grow. I just didn't understand why it had to be Y/n. Why not me?? He made me keep quiet I cannot tell y/n but I also can't be mad at him. So I have no other choice but to be mad at Y/n. I'm sorry y/n but I no longer feel anything towards you.
I closed her diary.
Well that one stung. But I don't get it, why did it have to be me to marry Jimin. Something isn't adding up and I am going to find out.
There was a knock at my bedroom door
"Come in" it was my mother. "Y/n..tomorrow we need to go to the morgue. We have to pick up your sisters body and take it to the funeral home." Not exactly how I pictured my day tomorrow but must be done. "Alright that's fine." She smiled and shut the door. I turned off the light and went to bed.
( Next morning)
I woke up and went to drink some coffee downstairs. My mom called out for me , "yeah mom?" She sighed "Y/n I need to go out of town today so I can't make it to the morgue. I know this is troublesome but could you maybe do this on your own?" Hm typical. "It's fine mom i got this. I'll make sure I pick her up." She smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Gross/weird. I just smiled awkwardly and with that she left. 
After my coffee I got in the shower and changed. I made a phone call. I didn't want to go to this alone so I called the last person I could think of. I heard a car honking outside meaning it was time.
I got in the car and turned to see Jimin. "Thanks for doing this. I just couldn't go alone." He smiled at me "I'd do anything for you Y/n. Besides I owe it to Darla. As you know we had a past history." I nodded and he just drove. The ride was very silent. When we arrived at the morgue and entered I felt a chill down my spine, say what you want but a morgue is just too creepy. The doctor waved over at me and we walked towards him. "Y/n right ? I'm Dr. Ruiz , I'm sorry about your loss. My men have already loaded up the truck and are waiting to follow you to the funeral home. I just wanted to hand these documents over to you." I looked down at the folder and thanked him after that we went back to the truck and Jimin drove off to the funeral home. I opened the folder and saw my sisters birth certificate. I smiled she always hated her name. But I loved it.  Reminded me of our favorite movie , The little rascals. Darla was beautiful and sweet which is how I always thought my sister was. A beautiful and sweet girl. I was about to close the folder when something caught my eye. "Fernando Reyes?" What..the hell is this ?!" Jimin looked over at me as I shouted. "What is it?" I was shook. "It says father..signed Fernando Reyes. I don't know who that is but it sure as hell isn't my father!" Jimin's eyes widened. "Who is that??" I looked over at him "that's what I want to know." How could this be... was my sister...not my real sister ?! *time skip*
My mother arrived home . The lights were off and I was sitting in a chair in the living room with a cigarette in my hand and wine in the other. She turned the lights on when she turned around she screamed "Oh my goodness Y/n!! You scared me what are you doing here ??" I scoffed. "You wanted me to move back in didn't you ?" She smiled "So you are-" I cut her off "How could I move in with someone who's been lying to me all these years?" She looked confused " Lied? What are you saying??" I became very angry at her dumb clueless act. "This is what the hell I'm talking about!!!" I threw the papers on the table. " Who the Fuck is Fernando Reyes and why did he sign Darla's birth certificate?!" She looked ashamed. "Y/n i Can explain.. he...he's an ex husband of mine and yes he is Darla's father. I'm sorry I lied to you. He was abusive towards me and Darla she didn't remember much . She was only a baby. Your father saved us from him. I never told you or Darla about it because I wanted to leave it in the past. Your father was Darla's father just as much." I didn't say anything, I finished my wine and got up. "Is that why i was forced to marry Jimin? Because Darla wasn't blood related to my father? Is that why I was treated so differently ?! Is that both hated me? I didn't ask for any of it. All of this was a mistake. I stay up late at night and ask god why he didn't take me instead." She grabbed my arm "Y/n stop it! I admit I was angry at you because your father always treated you better but we didn't hate you." I scoffed "Yeah? Well you didn't love me either!! I spent years chasing your approval. Time and time again I would try and fix everything about myself to please you but it never did anything." She tried hugging me but I pushed her away. "I don't need it anymore. This family can go to hell. Although..two of them are already there. I wonder if you're next mother."

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