She's Gone.

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After what happened with me and jimin i ended up leaving him the next day. I wasn't afraid anymore..if my life was going to end at least it will end with me doing something for myself. I felt a huge pain fall off my shoulders as I left that house. I filed for the divorce papers but he still has yet to sign them. It's been two weeks. And I live in this tiny apartment I tried going home but my mother and sister wanted nothing to do with me. I was saddened but I knew this was gonna happen so I began renting out this small apartment. Everything has been going smoothly although not a day goes by when I don't think of Jungkook... he never texted me after what happened. I texted him but he never responded. It was 8pm and I was getting ready for bed when I heard a huge BANG BANG on the door. "Police Open Up!" Wait - Police?? What have I done? You ever have that moment when you just think of all things you've done. Yeah that was me right now...anyways I went to go open the door. "Yes how May I help you officers? "Are you Julissa Y/n?" they asked. "Yes. That's me" I responded back. "You need to come with us ma'am" they grabbed my arm and we're about to drag me along "wait! Hold on what's going on ??? Why do I have to come with you?!" I was panicking. "Don't worry we're only going to ask you a couple questions" I sighed but I went along with them. Once we got there I was taken to a room and in there was...Jungkook? And JIMIN?! "Uh can someone tell me what the HELL is going on here??" They looked at me shocked. "Y/n ..what are you doing here?" Asked Jungkook. "That's exactly my question to both of you." A detective came in and told me to sit down and so I did. "Good evening , I'll begin with the questions so I won't keep you all so long" we all looked at one another. "So Jeon Jungkook where were you on January the 30th?" He asked. "At my house." The detective wrote something in his little notebook. "And what about you Mr. Park?" Jimin answered "I was on a business trip not that it concerns you." "Well Actually it does. You see someone has been murdered and we're trying to get to the bottom of it." "I-I'm sorry did you just say MURDERED?!" I asked in curiosity. "Yes Miss Park Y/n. Didn't you know?" "Know what?" I asked. "Your sister..she's been murdered."

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