The Act.

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Unknown POV: I always tried to do what was best for my family..but he messed everything up. All those years I wasted on him and for what? For him to go and cheat on me..I gave birth to his child and he still couldn't stop cheating. It was a lie after lie and no matter how hard I tried to please him he just wouldn't remain loyal. Each day I would wake up and blame myself for not being enough. For not being the one he truly loved until I came to a realization that it wasn't me it was HIM. HE WAS THE ONE WHO RUINED EVERYTHING FOR ME!! For sweet child. Mommy only did what she had to do to protect you. So it didn't matter how many women I had to cut out the picture as long as we were a big happy family that's all that mattered right ?! Nobody was supposed to find out. But like a curious child you went and saw things bad things so I had to blame your father. It had to be this way. I had to keep us safe.

When I was a young woman I fell in love with the wrong man. He made lots of promises he couldn't keep. But I wouldn't know that back then. I was a stupid clueless girl who thought everything that was said was true. I was only 19 and he was 25 some people would say he took advantage but I would say he made my heart pound. I know now that it was a mistake. We married and that's when it all came crashing down. The first time I found out he cheated I cried everyday. But I didn't let him know that I knew. I tried to better myself , I tried to be more seductive and sexy like the woman he slept with but that didn't work he just called me a whore. Then he cheated again...and again..and again until I got tired and I snapped. Something or someone inside of me broke. All I could see was red. All the women he would sleep with I would murder. I always got away with it because I would dismember the body and burn it piece by piece. Sometimes just for fun I would even take some of the flesh home and make a special meal just for my husband. Trust me I didn't always murder them either sometimes I would pay them off with money. And it would work but some were quite prideful so that's when I had to do it the hard way. Anyways when my sweet child was born I stopped killing because I thought my husband would finally stop fooling around little did I know it would only get worse. At the beginning when our son was just a baby, he was always there and even as he became a toddler he was still there , taking him on walks , little trips. It was beautiful but as I said before this didn't last long. My peace just wasn't so peaceful anymore, he began cheating again so I began killing again. He never questioned as to where those women were because he thought I didn't know but I'm sure once news broke out about a killing spree he began to be a bit suspicious. One day it was thunder-storming , my son was asleep and so was my husband or so I thought. And I went into my basement to begin dismembering another body , I was so confident that I locked the door behind me but I didn't. My husband was behind me frightened at what he was witnessing, my back was towards him. I never heard him walk in because the thunder was so loud and the rain was pouring. He called out to me softly but concerned and frightened. I turned around slowly with a butcher knife in one hand. "Oh honey what have you done?!" I smiled at him.."I did this for us..I know that these women keep provoking you so I took care of it. Just go back to bed my love." I smiled sinisterly. He took the knife from my hand and pulled me away from the table. "Listen to me okay? This has got to stop! You can't do this. You could've talked to me! WHY WOULD YOU HURT THESE WOMEN?!" He yelled at me. He never yelled at me before. "Why..? You ask me why? BECAUSE I LIKE IT. I LOVE TO SEE THE FEAR IN THEIR FACES WHEN I DO THIS AND I LOVE THE FEAR IN YOUR FACE AS WELL is liberating." He was shocked but disgusted. "We need to get you some help.. we need to figure out what is going on with you." I sighed and began crying "Y-You're right I'm a monster I'm so sorry honey.." he hugged me. In that instant I took the knife from his hands. I laughed "Is that what you wanted to hear? Sorry to disappoint but I'm not changing and no amount of doctors or brain scanners can stop me. You chose this. This is your fault." I pointed the knife towards him. "And if you even think of snitching you'll end up just like them. So let's try and live a happy life yes?" He gulped and nodded. "At least promise me when Jungkook becomes a bit older you won't continue this killing..please he doesn't need to see this side of his mother." I agreed. And I did just that. I stopped killing once my son became a bit older. Until that day he saw everything in the basement. I didn't know what to do. I had always told him to never go to the basement because his dad spent his time there . That was a cover up. His dad was always out getting shit faced. And I was down there torturing the women. But lying wasn't enough to keep him from going there. It was an accident I know that now. My son saw those women and when I tried to approach him he backed away in fear..he knew it was me because those women told him the truth. But I blamed his father..he didn't believe me, I had to lock him in the basement just to give me enough time to call an old friend. He was soon taken away. And my son was ..was afraid. It was my fault in the end. I sent my son away. And when he came back he was more serious than ever. He never told me what happened there but somehow he couldn't remember a thing only that his father was a murderer and that he was sent to jail. His father wasn't really sent to jail let's just say he was...sent to Hell.

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