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Seonghwa followed Hongjoong, not remembering this route, taking Hongjoong's hand to climb up the small hill. Not that he needed it. There was a lot more forest and a whole lot more of nowhere. Seonghwa hoped that Hongjoong knew the way back. Hongjoong helped him up, Seonghwa squeezing his hand as a thank you before letting go. "Where is this place?" Seonghwa said, Hongjoong took out his phone to call Ari, making sure Seonghwa was safe from the rain.

It was a small cabin, with a few windows and hidden from plain sight. "A place where Ari and I can meet without being followed or found," Hongjoong said, Ari picking up on the third ring. Hongjoong missed the way Seonghwa gave him a look, telling Ari where to meet them. "Sounds very private," Seonghwa said, after Hongjoong hung up, making sure the other heard him. "It comes down to San's safety. I wouldn't have it any other way," Hongjoong said, catching the slight tick in Seonghwa's jaw.  Hongjoong was sure picking his words carefully. Why was he even being nice to him if he was like this?

Hongjoong's eyes turned a light blue, taking a step towards Seonghwa. Was he jealous? "What were you thinking?" Hongjoong asked, Seonghwa looking at him then away. "Why does it matter?" Seonghwa asked, Hongjoong taking another step towards him. "I don't want you getting the wrong idea," Hongjoong said, Seonghwa turning to look at him. Hongjoong loved the proximity and the fact that Seonghwa didn't step away. Seonghwa could hate him tommorw but it seemed like today he had it easy.  

Seonghwa saw the faint color of light blue in his demon's eyes, Hongjoong having the audacity to want to come even closer. Seonghwa raised a brow, opening his mouth to say something only to hear the sound of Ari clearing her throat. "Sorry to interrupt," Ari said, hearing both Seonghwa and Hongjoong's thoughts. She came at a bad time. Ari quickly bowed to the both of them, having abandoned her shift. This was more important. "Hello," Ari said, Hongjoong being the one to step away from Seonghwa. Seonghwa looked at her, Ari wearing a small smile.

"What's the plan?" Ari asked, having a taser and pepper spray in her bag,  not knowing how much time they had. Demon or human, these items were completely reliable. She took an extra one, handing it to Seonghwa who looked up at her. "Pepper spray. Simply spray the eyes and it will burn like all the fires of hell," Ari said happily, walking over to show Seonghwa how to use it.

"She's not kidding," Hongjoong said, speaking from experience. "You walked up to me in a dark alleyway in the middle of night," Ari said, Seonghwa clicking the button surprised at how far the spray went. He didn't have to get close to his target at all. "I never screamed so loud," Ari said, Hongjoong chuckling. "You're a demon. Use your powers," Hongjoong said, Ari giving him a weak smile. "Shut up Joongie. Shut up," Ari said, knowing that she was only part demon. The only power she had was limited and she couldn't use it all the time. Not without Hongjoong's help at least.

The fact that Ari was comfortable calling Hongjoong by a nickname and telling him to shut up meant that the two were close, Seonghwa not needing the reminder.  Ari wanted to clarify, Hongjoong giving her a look. "He won't believe me,"  Hongjoong thought, making Ari frown. 

Hongjoong walked over to hold Seonghwa's hand, wanting to help him down the hill. Seonghwa didn't pull away, Hongjoong feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He shouldn't get used to this. "We'll meet San then go from there. An unreliable informant let us know about an important fight tonight," Hongjoong said, Ari nodding following the two. "Sounds hectic. Are the Wardens involved?" Ari asked. She was wearing boots with some heel, Seonghwa taking her hand to help her down. "Thank you," Ari said, sliding down the hill carefully.

"I'm counting on it. And someone else," Hongjoong said, looking into the parasite that San had. It wasn't a warden or any ordinary demon. Ari heard his thoughts, frowning a bit as she nodded. Her job was to find them and let Hongjoong know. Seonghwa didn't want to ask, feeling his pain spread to his neck. Why was the spine connected to the neck? Ari was about to nudge Hongjoong and tell him, Hongjoong putting his hand on Seonghwa's waist and helping him lose gravity for a bit. No gravity, no weight to bother the spine.

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