Hopeful Advice

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Wooyoung had gotten up earlier than usual, the sun shining in through Yeosang's full window wall as he looked at the ceiling and then at San who was sleeping on his arm.

He found San's hand that was holding onto his shirt lightly, intertwining their fingers in case San was having a nightmare wanting to wake him up when San snuggled closer to him with a small smile.

Wooyoung kissed San's forehead, closing his eyes as he tried to go back to sleep since he was happily unemployed and San wasn't having a bad dream anymore.

Not to mention yesterday was nothing short of amazing.

His smile fell a little though, since he felt someone starting at him, looking up and almost flinching as he looked at Seonghwa and Hongjoong who were looking down at them.

"Why can't we be like that?" Hongjoong asked, Seonghwa looking at him before rolling his eyes. San got a forehead kiss and the only thing he got was slapped in the face with a pillow.

"Breakfast is ready." Seonghwa said, smiling at Wooyoung who nodded a light blush on his cheeks.

"We should have the talk over breakfast." Hongjoong said, walking away with Seonghwa to the kitchen that was still in perfect viewing distance of the two of them.

The talk? What talk?

Wooyoung looked at San who yawned a little, opening his eyes and immediately smiled at him.

"Good morning." Wooyoung said quietly, San leaning so that their faces were barely apart.

"Sheep, sheep, sheep, sheep, sheeep." Wooyoung thought, his heart telling him that it could stop at any moment.

"Good Morning human." San said, kissing Wooyoung's cheek before rolling off the bed and onto his feet.

Wooyoung kept his pout to himself wanting to kiss San on the lips, but his demon was ever the tease. 

"Morning hyungs." San said, walking over to hug Seonghwa and Hongjoong who just looked at Wooyoung as they walked out of the room. 

"You did this." Hongjoong mouthed, hugging San, Wooyoung shrugging since he had no idea what he was talking about, Seonghwa smiling at him.

"Is Yeosang still asleep?" San asked, getting his and Wooyoung's toothbrush from their house, as Wooyoung said his good mornings. 

"Yeah, but he wakes up to beat his alarm so he'll be up in about 10 minutes." Seonghwa said, Hongjoong looking at him as if that was classified information.

Wooyoung nodded, thanking San for the toothbrush as he walked over to the bathroom and tried to come up with a list of advice and ways to comfort Yeosang. Once he was done he walked  to Yeosang's room where the other was laying down on his bed huddled up in a blanket.

"My little Doberman, you've been in a shitty mood for a long time." Wooyoung said, jumping onto the bed with him as he rolled over to give Yeosang a hug. He could tell the other was awake looking at the small tissue box beside him.

"What's wrong?" Wooyoung asked, hugging Yeosang as he threw his leg over Yeosang's legs, Yeosang turning around to look at him.

"Everything's fine." Yeosang said, with puffy eyes. Wooyoung gave him a look that said, totally-I-believe-you- and-fish-can-live-outside-of-water.

Yeosang sighed, scooting closer to hug Wooyoung back properly. 

"This demon stuff is stressing me out." Yeosang admitted, deciding to tell Wooyoung what's been bothering him.

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