The Isle of Dragons and The Land of Giants XI

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They'd spend hours talking, catching up on their lives and all that happened in the last century. It had been close to a hundred years since they last spoken, so they had much to discuss. Liliana felt that time held nothing over their relationship. They could always pick up where they left off, as if no time had passed.

Fate had lent her a beautiful red gown that had many petticoats underneath, making it quite voluminous. It had many frills and long, wide sleeves. Fate had admitted that she'd made the gown for Liliana with a flower crown made of dark red roses to match. Liliana was touched.

Fate had always been one to think of others and do for others. She is kind and loving. Liliana had learned a lot from her. Though she felt she still had a lot more to learn from the woman.

Liliana walks beside her friend now, picking wildflowers in the meadow Fate's cottage sat in.

Fate's magic protected the land from the seasons, much like ho wit protected the rose garden at the palace. It was always spring here. It was always filled with life. Almost all the creatures of the isles would travel to this place in the mountains to give birth. Fate was a midwife to all species. They could sense it in her. So there was always a fawn or two around and the chirping of baby birds in the trees. It filled Liliana with hope.

"I expected you to be there comforting Knox," Fate says, handing Liliana a blue flower to add to the basket.

"He does not need me right now. He needs his people." She places the flower in the basket. "He cannot lean on me so much that he forgets who he is and neglects his people."

"Always so harsh." Fate tisks. "You don't really think so highly of yourself that a man like him would forget all he cares about for you, do you?"

"Maybe it is not him that would give up everything for the other," she admits, bending down to pick a light pink flower. "Maybe I am the one that must distance myself and hold back my desires."

"Honesty looks good on you," Fate smiles down at her. "But my dress looks better."

Fate turns and runs off suddenly, making Liliana drop the basket and run off after her. She felt young again. Fate had that effect on her.

After a while of running and joking, they find themselves laying in the meadow, side by side.

"You gave him good advice," Fate speaks, breaking the comfortable silence. She turns on her side to face Liliana, who does the same.


"Knox. You could've given him an answer, but instead you told him to look to his people for the answer." She smiles. "You have learned to control your pride, finally."

Liliana rolls her eyes, but smiles. The compliment meant a lot. She'd always been so prideful. So sure she had all the answers, until the war with the giants. For the first time in her life, she hadn't known what to do. She was lost, helplessly watching her people die. But then she'd heard of Knox.

He'd taught her by example how to let go of one's pride. He had a Queen begging for his help. He could've been prideful, spiteful or mean, but he was gentle, kind, and patient. He had helped her come to the answer. He did not tell her what to do. She loved that about him and had tried to become like that. It was hard, but worth it.

"Thank you." The genuine words shock Fate. Her brows furrow in confusion before relaxing with a smile.

"You must bring this man to meet me," she orders Liliana. "I must meet in person the man who has taken both you and my father's heart." She jokes.

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