The Isle of Dragons and The Land of Giants VII

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He hadn't planned on kissing her. He hadn't planned most of the day, and yet he didn't regret any of it.

She pulled him in closer, deepening the kiss, running her hand through his messy hair. She was intoxicating and felt like a home he didn't know he'd been searching for until that moment.

He embraced her fully with both arms, lifting her up before setting her back down. She giggled and kissed him again. It was a moment of happiness in a time for Knox that felt scary and unsteady.

She steadied him.

They enjoyed each other's embrace for a while, even after the kiss ended. They stood, arms still wrapped around each other, staring into the other's eyes, a smile on both their faces.

When they finally separated, emotions lingered in the air. It was as if the cool afternoon air was swimming with an electric current that now tied them to each other. A bond that went deeper than anything Knox had ever felt. It gave him a rush; it scared him. He never wanted it to dissipate, but also was unsure what exactly it meant.

His mind was filled with questions.

"Follow me," she takes his hand, leaving the words and feelings unsaid for another day. His questions would have to wait. She pulls him along after her.


When they enter the grand hall, all eyes are on them, their joined hands in particular.

The hall is carved from the stone of the mountain like their sleeping chambers, but was far more grand. Its floor was marble, laid out in a spiraling design and its walls had out-coves where statues of the Elder Dragon Warriors stood. Across the room, in one of those out-coves, was Liliana's statue. She was the last remaining Elder Dragon Warrior; she was also the youngest of them.

The walls had been intricately carved and maintained in swirling patterns that, if you looked closely at were dragons, serpents and other elder races.

The ceilings were high and tapered to the top which was a stained glass dome that let light into the space and cast colors onto all those below. The tables were big, long slabs of wood that ran almost the length of the room. The men sat side by side, a mix of Dragons and Golds. It was a welcoming, friendly space.

Liliana raises her left hand, Knox's hand still in her right. Silence fills the room from the Dragons. The Golds join quickly as well, noticing the other's immediately after.

"I wanted to welcome you all with a grand feast. I have heard incredible things about you from Knox and I can see the bravery it took to stand beside him, leave everything behind and join him. Tonight, we will reward you for such bravery!" They cheer.

"And to my men," she addresses the Dragons. "This good man and his people are very important to me. I hope you treat them with respect and make them feel at home." They cheer and nod as promise.

"Then let the feast begin!" The men cheer. The food is quickly cut, divided up and passed around. Knox watched, a happiness filling him.

"It has been a long time since I've seen my people so happy." He turns to look at her.

"Mine too. Thank you for all this. They needed it."

"Just them?" She smirks.

"We needed it," he corrects. She smiles.

"Then, let's join them."

After a barrage of questions and far too much delicious food, Knox found himself unable to sleep. He sat on the edge of his bed, wide awake. Everyone else seemed to be asleep. He decides to roam the halls. Maybe a good walk will tire him out.

He heads up the staircase to the main castle. Where the grand hall, ballroom, great hall they'd eaten dinner in and the library are at.

He heads to the latter.

The library was as expansive and beautiful as Liliana had told him it was. The largest library in his kingdom was not even a tenth of this library.

There are four floors. Each wall had a sliding latter to reach the top shelves. A spiral staircase sat in one corner of the library.

He walked down it and onto the first floor of the library. There were many couches and desks to study at. As well as more shelves filled with what looked to be maps, journals, and other records.

"If we keep running into each other like this," he turns to face her at the sound of her voice, "I'll have to blame fate."

She stands there, her hair loose, not in the usual braid. She holds a candle in one hand and a book in the other. She wears a long nightgown that hides her legs.

"I couldn't sleep," he nods to the book in her hand. "Any recommendations?"

"I have hundreds. What are you looking for specifically?"

He becomes more serious. His worries crashing down on him like a large stone.

"Would you have any books on the kingdom of Gold before the warriors? I've always been curious, but never could find much information about it."

"This way," she turns, and he follows her up the stairs and down one aisle to a shelf that read The Kingdom of Gold at the top.

"This should have everything about the Gold kingdom. As for what it was before," she leads him around to a different shelf. "It used to be called the Land of the Magicians."

She pulls a book from the shelf and hands it to him. "This should be a good place to start."

"Thank you." He takes the book and flips through the pages. It was written in the Dragon tongue. "Do you have a book to help me translate this?"

"I thought you could read and write the Dragon language?" she asked, confused. "That's what we used when we would send messages to one another over the past decade."

"My vocabulary is quite limited. I learned as we sent messages, if we didn't discuss it, then I likely don't know it." She nods in understanding.

"Then, let me help you."

"I don't want to be a bother-"

"I want an excuse to spend time with you," she states simply and straight to the point. "Will you deny me such an opportunity?"

He flushes slightly at her words. He wasn't used to a woman being so forward with him.

"Of course," he says. "How could I turn down an offer like that?"


They ended up sitting at a desk, side by side, studying till morning. She was patient as always and he learned quickly. She also recounted stories of the past that the book had left out.

She found it endearing how he was so excited to hear her stories from the past. He asked many questions and had an insatiable curiosity.

She enjoyed it. Enjoyed his company. She had never loved, not like she was beginning to love him. She had never let herself. Always put the priority on her people and on their future and while they are still important. She realized now, looking at Knox that, she no longer just wanted him for her people, she wanted him for her.

To be continued...

December 26, 2023

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