A Very Lovely Yo-kai Christmas (Romance One-Shot)

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It was December 25th, a very special holiday for everyone.

It was Christmas...

A group of Yo-kai were traveling around the entire world, delivering Christmas gifts around the world.
The group consisted of Venoct, Blizzaria, Jibanyan, Usapyon, Komasan, and Komajiro. All of them were in their Christmas outfits.

"Let's see," Blizzaria looked at the list of locations, "Our last stop is at Uptown Springdale, and it's the Springdale Business Tower."

Usapyon set the coordinates on the supremely fast sled to go to the Springdale Business Tower to drop off their last load of gifts. Once they arrived, they were careful to not wake up Hinozall and his employees and put the presents under the Christmas Tree.

After doing so, they all hopped back on the sled as Usapyon set the coordinates to the North Pole. Once they have arrived, they see Santa Claus, awaiting their arrival.

"Agh, my children! I thank you all for helping me deliver presents to all tbe Yo-kai on the nice list

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"Agh, my children! I thank you all for helping me deliver presents to all tbe Yo-kai on the nice list. Come and relax for the night and enjoy some cookies." Santa Claus then put everyone in a big group hug before going back to his room to attend other Christmas duties.

Venoct, Blizzaria, Jibanyan, Komasan, Usapyon, and Komajiro were now in the living room of Santa's house, sitting on the floor in a circle, enjoying their cookies.

"Another successful year." Komasan said happily.

"Indeed." Komajiro agreed.

"I wonder something." Jibanyan announced.

All the Yo-kai looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"How did you guys meet Santa and get the opportunity to work here?" Jibanyan questioned.

"For me, there was one year when I decided to do Santa's duty for him with Hailey. I did it because I was so angry at him for not giving me a present that day, where I was a lonely otter." Usapyon explained. "After doing so, Santa showed up out of nowhere and explained to me on why I did not get a present on Christmas. It was because I was happy that day. The day when someone took me in and raised me."

Usapyon smiled at the memories. "A month later, I was sitting on the roof, looking at stars until he showed up out of nowhere again and offered me a position to help him deliver the presents faster. I accepted it, and now here I am."

"That was a very heartwarming story, Usapyon." Komasan commented.

"Thanks Komasan." Usapyon said.

"I'll go next!" Komajiro volunteered, "I woke up very late at night during Christmas because I had to go to the bathroom. After using the bathroom, I was going back to the bedroom me and Komasan sleep in until I heard footsteps across the floor. Not realizing the day because I was tired, I went to the room where we had a Christmas Tree and I turned on the light."

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