"Are you crazy?!" I splurt as I pour syrup on my stack.

"The baby likes it." She smiles and places her hand on her baby bump.

"My little niece is going to have the strangest diet... What's next? Popcorn and bacon?"

"Don't give her ideas." Adam says walking into the kitchen.

I guess he was with a client training early this morning. Due to the fact he's in a sports kit and looks sweaty.

"Where are my pancakes?" He asks, fake pain in his voice.

"Why don't you share Amy's? What's hers is yours right? The rules of marriage." I suggest.

His face scrunches up as he sees the ketchup covered pancakes.

"I couldn't possibly steal from a pregnant woman. I'll take yours Megs. Not like you need them anyway."

"Excuse me?" I ask with my eyebrows raised.

"I had to carry you to bed last night, I nearly put my back out!"


"He's joking." Amy smiles. "Look at you, you're skin and bone! Yet you have the family trait."

"Family trait?" I ask.

"Tiny figure, yet big boobs."

"I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT MY LITTLE SISTER'S BOOBS!" Adam complains, his hands on his ears.

"Shouldn't have called me fat." I say to Adam.

"I didn't call you fat. I called you heavy. Plus I was joking."

"Hmph." I continue to eat my pancakes.Fighting away Adam's hands here and there.

"So what do you wanna do today?" Amy asks standing up and taking our empty plates.

"I don't mind."

"Movies? Bowling? Shopping?"

"Shopping." I grin.

"I was hoping you'd say that. You go get ready and then we'll leave."

"Don't forget to shower. You reek." Adam adds.

"Thank you Adam. I appreciate your input on my hygiene."

To be fair he has a point. I'm still wearing what I wore for the flight. I go back to my room and grab my toiletries bag. I head to the bathroom. I step out the shower feeling refreshed and smelling a million times better. I brush my teeth and then go back to my room. I look through the clothes I haven't yet put away. I settle on ripped light denim jeans and a green jumper with Mickey Mouse printed on it in black. I plug in my hair dryer and dry my long brown locks. Once my hair is dry, I begin my make-up. I make my eyelids golden and run black eyeliner half way across the bottom of my eye. I run light pink lipstick onto my lips and then shove on socks and black Dr Martens.

I hear a frustrated scream. I jump up and run out and to the other bedroom.

Amy is there in front of the mirror.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Stupid baby won't let my get into my skinny jeans!"

I walk over to her. She's stood in her bra. I place my hands on her bare stomach.

"She doesn't really think your stupid baby."

She sighs.

"No I don't. I'm sorry little baby."

She places her hands over mine on her stomach.

"I'm just annoyed you won't let your mummy get into one of her favourite pair of skinny jeans."

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