painting and a water hose

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i was outside painting, it usually takes my mind off of things. i was listening to my music specifically fleetwood mac. i was painting flowers, it was one of the easiest things i knew how to paint.

"via" i heard georgie say i took off my headphones and set them on the table next to me. "that looks good" he said pointing at the canvas. "thanks" i smiled to myself

"i'm bored so i came over here" he said "wanna go get a snack inside, it's kinda cold so i need to get a jacket too" i said and he nodded, he followed me into the house. i grabbed a bag of chips and set them down then got us a drink.

"if i'm being honest this is all we have right now. my brother basically devoured all of the other food." i said and he said he was fine with it. "hey later i want you to teach me how you do that" he said and i gave him a confused look. "painting" he added and my mouth formed an 'o'

"maybe i'll paint you, like your my model" i said jokingly knowing i cannot paint people. "after our snack" he smiled and he definitely wasn't joking. "oh shit" i mumbled

after our snack we went outside and he pulled up a chair. "paint me" he said in a high-pitched voice. "oh really georgie" i laughed and he shook his head. i pretended to paint him then got and idea. i walked over to him with my paint things and 'accidentally' marked on him while posing him.

"oh i see where this is going" he said digging his fingers into the paint on a paper plate and putting it all over my face. i grabbed my other plate i was using earlier and put that on him and we went back and forth until we ran out of paint.

"hey liv-" delilah said then we saw me and georgie covered in paint. "what the actual fuck is going on?" she asked

"hey she started it!" georgie said pointing at me and i playfully slapped his head. "ow!" he said

"dude y'all need to get clean before coming into this house. i really don't think mom wants paint in this house." she said walking back into the house, unfortunately my dad came outside because he was about to grill.

"hey i think you guys got a little something on your faces." he joked and i faked laughed at it. "let me wash you off with the water hose then go inside and change. give georgie some of parker's clothes" he said walking over and started to hose us down.

"ITS SO COLD" me and georgie said as we got sprayed. i ran into the house getting changed into pj pants and a black shirt then grabbing some of parker's clothes and running back outside and giving them to georgie.

"is georgie staying for dinner?" my dad asked putting stuff on the grill. "i don't know" i said grabbing my painting supplies. "he's a nice kid liv" he said and i just looked down at my things. "your going to have to get over theo" he added

"i'm over him, i moved on, it's over, besides i kinda like someone new" i said going inside and setting my things down. i sat on the couch waiting for georgie. once he came out we watched movies until we had to eat.

it was kinda awkward between me and my dad but that didn't stop georgie and parker from being so obnoxious.

"guys im begging y'all to please shut your mouths and eat your food instead of getting it everywhere" i said looking at the two boys. "i agree" delilah said "sorry" georgie whispered and parker just stared.

after dinner georgie went home and i got in bed. me and delilah talked about our problems and stuff until we fell asleep.

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