bandaids and stealing cars

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"georgie i don't think i can do this" i said looking at the skateboard he wanted to teach me so bad. "no you can" he said

"what if i fall on my pretty face" i said motioning at my face. "your pretty face will be okay" he started "if you fall or if you look like your about to fall i'll catch you" he said shaking his head.

"you promise?" i said holding my pinky up

"promise" he says while connecting our pinkys. he taught me how to get on and get going. i attempted to start going but i almost fell, georgie did catch me though.

"georgie i think i'm doing it!!!" i said and he smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

it took me a few try's to get going but i got it but then i didn't. i fell on the ground. which scraped me. which hurt. a lot.

"you broke your promise" i said holding my knees. "how bad is it?" he said and i showed him my knees and hands. "it stings" i whined, he carefully helped me up and led me into his house.

"why are you here?" he asked when he saw his meemaw "your dads in the hospital" she said

"what's wrong with olivia?" she asked and sheldon looked back at me. "she had a little skating accident" he replied and i showed them my hands and knees. "the first aid is in the bathroom if you need anything tell me" she said and we both nodded and went to his bathroom.

"ow georgie that really hurts" i hissed

"i'm sorry it's gonna hurt" he said putting more alcohol on the wound. i held my breathe until he was done. he then put batman bandaids on my hands and knees.

"batman" i said under my breath

we went into his room and just chilled. i laid on his bed and he sat on his chair. i ended up falling asleep on his bed. i ended up not waking up until georgie decided to wake up.

"we are stealing a car via, i have to go see my dad" he said and i rubbed my eyes and looked at him confused. "what?" i said to him "just follow me and be quiet" he told me. i got up and put of my shoes then followed him.

"we are going to see dad...y'all comin'?" he asked his other two siblings

"how? meemaw said we had to stay here." sheldon said to us

"do you wanna go or not" i said yawning and they both got out of bed.

"shh" georgie turned to me

"shh" i copied him and turned to sheldon who copied us and turned to missy. "who do i shush?" she said and we all shushed her. we walked to meemaw and got the keys out of her pocket.

"what are you doing?" sheldon asked

"going to the hospital you stayin' or goin'" georgie asked them. "i'm comin'" missy said and sheldon debated with him for what felt like so long. we walked to the car and i got in the front and missy got in the back. we heard sheldon get in with a bunch of pillows and a helmet.

"why are you wearin' my helmet?" georgie asked him as i stole a pillow from him and closed my eyes when i laid my head on it.

"i don't expect this to end well" sheldon said getting comfortable "and the pillows" georgie added then looked at me "hey you woke me up i'm tryna go back to bed" i said opening my eyes when he looked at me. he smiled at me "wait everyone put your seatbelts on" he said then started driving. i definitely did not fall asleep on the way there. he kept hitting trash cans and curbs.

"dude even a old blind lady could drive better than you holy shit" i said grabbing the side of the door.

"hey" sheldon said to me "what" i turned back to him so i could look at him. "you said a bad word" he said and i rolled my eyes and turned around.

"come on i don't drive that bad" he said as he hit another trash can. "yeah you do" the three of us said at the same time.

"could you please slow down?" sheldon asked

"i'm goin' eight miles an hour..a cow just passed us." he said and i just shook my head.

"do you know how to get to the hospital?" missy asked

"'s right across the street from the dairy queen." he said and i let out a big sigh. "there's two dumby" i said to him

"wait there is?" he asked and me and sheldon nodded. "you've lived here for how long and you didn't know there was two DQ's?" i asked and he nodded. we kept hitting trash all the way there then finally made it.

we all ran up to mary and then we saw meemaw.

"aw shit your in trouble georgie" i whispered to him. "if i'm in trouble so are you" he said "i'm not even related to you how would i get in trouble" i asked "meemaw could tell your mom" he smirked "do not get any bright ideas mister" i said shaking my head

"i wanna see dad" georgie said to his mom "doctors are with him now, i'll take you in a bit" she said then she talked to meemaw. mary left to go check on george.

"georgie olivia" meemaw said holding her hand out. "give me the damn keys" she said and georgie handed them to her. we swore to never tell mary about this.

me and georgie sat down next to each other and i yawned. he patted his shoulder "lay your head down" he said and i did "sorry i woke you up. i really wanted to see my dad" he added

"i get it. you don't have to apologize" i said and closed my eyes falling asleep on his shoulder.

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