first day and heart-shaped cookies

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me georgie and alice all walked into school together. so many teens in one place. half of them don't bathe and the other half have sticks shoved so far up there asses.

"hey georgie! what's up!" a group of guys and girls came over to him and started talking to them.

"hey! you two are on the cheer team right? i remember you guys cause you two are like super good" this girl said to us

"oh yeah we are, olivia and alice" i smiled

"i'm eleanor call me ellie or el ,but i'm new and on the team so maybe we can be friends?" she said and we both nodded

"via, alice come on" georgie said to us

"we'll see you at lunch" i smiled and we waved to her and she waved back.

"i don't know about her liv" alice said as we all walked together to our first class. as soon as we walked in we saw sheldon. me and georgie groaned and all walked to the back.

"isn't that your brother?" alice asked and he rolled his eyes

"shut up" he said and me and alice giggled. the teacher walked in and introduced herself. then sheldon started talking.

"shut up" alice said out loud by was also pretty loud and we all laughed at her.

"i like her" someone laughed and she rolled her eyes. we went on with our day going to all of our classes together then it got to lunch.

"okay uh where do we sit?" alice asked and we all looked around.

"there's a free table right there" i said pointing to it and we all sat down together.

"hey alice! hi olivia!" eleanor said walking over to us, she was with friends which were my siblings.

"hi eleanor!" me and alice said with a smile.

"dude georgie what is up man" my brother said "ew liv" he added "hi alice" he said

"why are you here parker, delilah is fine she doesn't talk but you why are you here" i said to him

"cause i want to be,i'm sitting with my siblings and friends" he said

"dudes like half of us are freshman find some friends" alice joked with him. "go sit with the football players, they all seem to like you there over there" georgie said pointing at a different table. he got up and walked over to them and they let him sit.

"thank you georgie" i smiled at him and he ate his food.

"so how's everyone's first day going?" eleanor asked pulling out stuff from her lunch box.

"surprisingly good" i replied

for the rest of the day we went to the boring classes and did stupid icebreakers.

"god i hate school already" alice said as we walked home. no clue why we decided to walk home on the hottest day ever and we are both wearing pants.

"why did we do this again?" i asked alice and we both stopped. "never again until it's cold" alice said and i immediately agreed.

"hey!" we heard someone say from behind us. "we saw you guys at lunch and thought maybe we could be friends" a guy said to us. the other guy was just standing there besides him.

"oh uh i'm derek and this is alex" he said "hey" the other guy said

"uh yeah we could be friends, we got to get home though so uhm see you tomorrow" we said trying to get away from them. they let us walk away and as we got farther and farther we kept looking back to make sure they weren't following us.

"yeah so we aren't friends with them." i said "never walking home again" she said.

when we got to my house my family was sitting on the couch.

"how was your walk?" mom asked us and we laughed "interesting" i said giggling

"run into your boyfriend? wait did any other guy besides georgie talk to you...if they did tell them you have a boyfriend" parker said laughing

"parker i swear to g-" i started to say "i made cookies!" my mom said getting up to grab them. i glared at parker and waited for my mom to get back. i grabbed a couple of cookies from the platter and left to go into my room.

"i hate brothers" i said to alice "try having little brothers and no older least parker is protective" she said eating one of the cookies i just shrugged at her.

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