Chapter Forty

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"Welcome back bro, you finally opened your eyes" Oliver patted my back and pulled me into a bro hug "you look beautiful Amelia"

"Dudeeee!" Jack and Liam pulled me into a trio hug and regarded me with heavy slaps to my back

"that was for being a dumb a**" they said in unison

"Finally, look who got their sense back" Sam rolled his eyes at me "you've been such a d*ck"

"I know guys, I've been blind and I'm really sorry. Forgive me, bros for life?"

"Bros for life" we all cheered and sandwiched ourselves into a group hug

"Hey!" One random boy at the DJ stand yelled "let's get this party going!"

Amelia's POV

Prom was epic. It changed something in me. Restored something I never realized I have lost all this while. When I think of Andrew, it was bittersweet sweet. His one message changed everything.

That message has me happy, angry and sad. Sad that he's gone, he was a great friend. Angry because I have been lied to by a great friend. Happy because I am back with the love of my life.

That night Mason drove me home after having a dinner date at some restaurant. He asked I introduce him to my mom and I think my mom had forgiven him too. She knew he cheated but after finding out it was all a lie, she had it in her heart to welcome him. Something told me she was sad that Andrew lie, nonetheless she couldn't find it in her heart to hate him. Neither did I.

That doesn't matter now. All that matters is Andrew fixed his mistake and I have forgiven him. I wouldn't mind keeping in touch with him, I finally have my happiness restored and I owe it to him even tho I lost it because of him.

Mason and I went out of the house. He would be on his way back home now. He wanted to keep my scarf so I let him keep it.

"Amelia, today is the best thing that has happened to me in a very long time" he smiled at me and held my hand

"Me too" my heart expanded, this boy could be my greatest paradise of my worst hell

"See you at Yale" he hugged me

"You're coming to Yale!?" I exclaimed with wide eyes

"Yes, consider me already enrolled. I cannot lose you, even to collage" he placed his hand on my cheek and brushed my hair back

Mason and I, at Yale, together! This is paradise, some part of me was already depressed with the possibility of seeing him only once a year because of collage. God! Thank you! Thank you so much! I'll give to charity this week to show you how thankful I am! I'll even volunteer to the orphanage!

God, please keep us together. I love him. May our love last an eternity.

Andrew's POV

I sat i first-class by the window watching the dark clouds, Mexico here I come. Amelia had probably reunited with Mason. Her spark must have ignited once more. Patricia tried threatening me with the video, turned out she had another one from when she kissed me. Little did she know I destroyed that evidence with a virus that I sent to her phone, she had nothing against me and I wish to have nothing to do with her.

It took everything in me to do what I did. It broke me and left me in pieces but somehow, knowing Amelia was happy once more meant everything to me. I can imagine her smile. Her eyes lighting up once more. Her heat finally coming back to life.

Maybe not in this lifetime. Maybe in another, she is mine but I'll keep living in delusion that someday she will return to me. She will once again be my angel.

My heart body and soul recoiled with pain and hurt from a mighty loss. The last piece of my heart hanging had fallen, my soul seemed to be cold seeking the embrace of a lost angel but somehow knowing that it cost me this to restore Amelia... Somehow it meant everything.

My Message :

I have something to tell you Amelia. I am so sorry and please forgive me. Amelia I love you with all my heart and you probably already know that. I have always loved you. Ever since I laid eyes on you in the fifth grade by the gray drinking fountain. I have loved you till date and I don't think I will ever stop loving you. Amelia I did something that made you lose your spark and I am going to fix it today. I thought I could bring back your spark and make you realize that I am the one for you. The one that you belong with but nothing worked. I came to the bitter realization that I can only bring back that spark by telling you the truth and reuniting you with the person that ignites that spark. Mason loves you. As much as I love you. He didn't lie to you because he didn't love you anymore. He never cheated on you. I did it. It was all me. I'll tell you everything from the beginning. Amelia, I and Patricia teamed up. She wanted Mason and I wanted you. That day at the library, Patricia made Mason call you. You said you were alone. Soon after I came so Patricia would capture us and make Mason think you were lying. I also made Mason think, with some help, that our parents were being introduced to one another and you stayed the night. No, my mom didn't know I'd plan this but she helped me get closer to you by befriending your mom when she found out I loved you. That incident you saw when you went to Mason's room was all me. I had a tracking app on your phone and told Patricia the right time to get close to Mason so that you think he was cheating. I am so sorry Amelia, I am so sorry. I'm am sorry. I never wanted to make your heart go through so much pain.

Although it will kill me inside, I had to make this decision. It kills me to watch you die inside and it will kill me just the same to watch you return to Mason. But, I'd rather be the one dying inside than make you go through the same.I will let you go Amelia. I know I will still love you. I will forever love you. But your heart has already been taken by another. I leave for Mexico tonight, I'm going to live with my father there and complete collage, I will miss you so much.Do me a favor Amelia although I don't deserve it. Let's keep in touch, I don't want to loose you forever. I can survive knowing you're alive and kicking. Please remember, my heart is yours. My doors are always open for you. If you ever feel unloved know I love you unconditionally. If Mason tries some stupid shit don't take it.If you ever find it in your heart to love me. I'm now one call away. Tell me and I'll come running back to you.
-Forever Yours

Love, Lies, and Loyalty: A Teens' Love TriangleWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu