The Omega: part 2

Start from the beginning

"Okay, but you need to eat something so you can drink your medication. You have a fever. Please eat something." Front pleads with him again.

"No! I don't want to." Fourth's voice is barely above a whisper. His head aches, and he feels like he is free falling, making his stomach turn.

"Okay, tell me what you want, and I will get it for you." Front says, and Fourth doesn't doubt her. His siblings would do anything for him. He could ask for the moon, and it would be delivered to him on a silver platter.

"Gem..." Fourth says before slowly fading out of consciousness.


"Did he eat?" Mark asks anxiously.

"He refuses to eat or drink anything." Front replies, feeling defeated.

They are both feeling defeated. They have never dealt with this before. Not without their parents and usually Fourth's heats never got this bad ever since he presented.

"Hia, I am worried. He is burning up, and I can't even get him to eat anything. I read about this before. I think he is dropping. I really hope I am wrong, though." Front says softly, fear and uncertainty evident in her voice.

"I hope so too, Fonfon. Did he say something? Anything at all that can help us." Mark asks desperately. He feels useless, helpless at not being able to help his baby brother. How can he even help him when Fourth didn't want to be in the same space as him?

"He said "Gem" and I don't even know what does that means." Front said, her brows pinched into a frown.

"Gem? It could be one of his friends. I don't recall meeting a Gem, but I can always call Ford to find out." Mark says.

"If this doesn't work, we will have to call Mama and knowing her she will probably pull Fourth out of Chula so he can be close to home." Front says thoughtfully.

They both wouldn't want for Fourth to leave Chula, this is the happiest that they've seen their brother. Back home, he  didn't have any friends and truly speaking any sense of freedom thanks to them and their parents being overprotective. So they wouldn't want to take that away from him.

So Mark calls Ford, him and the young omega kind of got close during the past few months since he is one of Fourth's closest friends.

"P'Mark." Ford answered his phone almost immediately.

"Hi Nong," Ford. I need your help it's about my little brother." Mark says desperately.

"Of course, phi, what's wrong with Fotfot?" Ford's voice comes out heavy with worry.

"He is in heat, and we are afraid, and it's bad. He is not eating. He doesn't want to drink anything, and he doesn't even want to take his medication. He is burning up, and at this rate, we are afraid he is going to drop." Mark says, and he can hear how his voice cracks. It feels like he is about to cry, and Mark isn't the type to cry. He hasn't cried in years, but at this point, he feels like it. He has never felt this helpless before.

"Oh, phi! Do you want me to come over? I can be there in 10 minutes, 15 minutes max." Ford's voice is filled with worry and somewhat sympathetic.

"It's okay, nong. I just need to find Gem. Can you help me with that?" Mark sounds desperate. He hates this. His Alpha hates this. He is meant to keep his pack safe, but now his pack member is suffering, and there's nothing he can do.

"Gem? Wait, why?" Ford sounds confused, although he still sounds worried.

"Please, Ford. I can't really explain now. Can you bring him here?" Mark pleads.

Thai BL- One ShotsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara