like the movies

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Fourth has always been a romantic at heart, the type to fall in love easily. This characteristic has always had him declared a flirt, making him popular with boys and girls. Hence, he was St Gabriel's most popular gentleman during his years there.

Fourth fantasized about getting married to his first love, building a beautiful home with a huge garden where their kids will run around it. Maybe he will teach them how to play soccer like his father taught him. In his fantasies, he would get married to a beautiful woman, just like his mother with a beautiful smile and kind heart.

Life would be perfect. Their love story would be written about and be turned into movies watched by generations to come.

Fourth never, ever even in his wildest dreams had he thought he would fall in love with a boy let alone like Gemini.

Gemini. Gemini.

The first time he saw Gemini was at the Thailand school star competition in 2019. Now Fourth may be a hopeless romantic but not the type to believe in love at first sight.

Fourth has always heard people talking about love at first sight, but never in a million years did he think that he would get to experience it firsthand. He never would've thought that a summer comoetion was how he would meet the love of his life. The moment their eyes met, he experienced that spine tinkling feeling, his palms got all sweaty, the hair on his arms stood up and causing him blinking ten times like an idiot, he had a gut feeling that this was it. The moment his whole life has been building up to.

Fourth saw fireworks going off all around as Gemini took a step forward in his direction and gave a grin. He stood there frozen like a statue when one of Gemini's friends came to his rescue and grabbed him away. Fourth, he knew he sounded a bit ungrateful since most people only dream of having a moment like that, but he just needed a minute to gather his thoughts and process what he was feeling. He promised himself that the next time he saw him, he would talk to him.

Fourth was an introverted guy. Despite how popular he was at St Gabriel .

As the welcoming started, his eyes were wandering around the room looking for Gemini. As he turned around and locked eyes with him, there was this wave that came over his body. Fourth was intrigued by the look Gemini gave him. Like those eyes wanted to draw him closer to him. He just couldn't take it anymore as he broke his promise and turned around to walk away when a strong grip grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, causing his heart to beat rapidly. Gemini broke the silence and introduced himself, so Fourth did the same. He shook his hand, and an undesribable chemistry evolved, causing sparks to fly and making the moment electric.

Gemini was so full of life, his smile always seemed to brighten up every room he was in, and his laughter was infectious that it would make Fourth smile involuntary. Fourth was drawn to the taller like a moth is to a flame.

Gemini seemed to be equally drawn to Fourth, always pranking him and seeking him out when Fourth would hide out in a corner to recuperate. Soon, they became friends. Even after the end of the competition, they stayed in touch.

Fourth was pinning, and he was pinning hard for Gemini. So you can imagine how ecstatic he was when he got paired with the boy to act as leads in a BL drama. He was even more ecstatic to learn that he was the boy's first kiss, and he took great pride in it.

The great thing about being in a ship was being able to flirt shamelessly with Gemini, and it could be brushed off as fan service. Whenever Fourth would confess his feelings for Gemini, the older would just laugh it off. Gemini was not much for fan service, but he was very affectionate and very clingy in private.

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